He Missed Narcotic Count by 10 Pills!

Nurses General Nursing


I work at an out-patient mental health clinic. On a day off one month ago, a fellow nurse covered my clientele. One of my clientele come in for med boxes to be filled with assistance by the nurse. This client takes Lorazepam BID PRN. The count was 45 pills when the nurse filled client's med boxes. Afterwards, the nurse documents the count at 31 pills remaining.

Two weeks later, when I prepare to meet my client, I count my narcs and discover there are only 21 pills remaining, not 31 as other nurse noted! As the client may use up to 24 pills, this leaves me short for her visit. Not good. I call the nurse in who incorrectly documented amount.

His excuse, no excuse. He states, "Oh, well, you gotta order your pills sooner." Nurse doesn't even acknowledge his error. He states, "Well, I was really busy that day and didn't have time to count them..."

Incredulous, I tell him to correct count sheet and he does. He then begins to tell me how I need to handle my meds in the future! I tell him to leave my office as I now must rush to pharmacy and get missing meds for my member who is patiently sleeping on the sidewalk in front of the clinic!

Subsequent to this incident, this young nurse has not spoken a word to me. He walks by me and only acknowledges me when I make the effort to say hello, boo, anything.

All I had wanted from the beginning was for this nurse to accept responsibility for his error, acknowledge his actions. Now, he has taken it to a new level, telling our super that he was only trying to "give Mark some advice" about how to handle his meds..."

I am very disappointed in this nurse. He has said inappropriate comments to me in the past, but I've let them go due to his youth. But, 10 missing narcs and no accountability has me spooked about him. I no longer I feel I can trust him and am starting to wonder if he may have tried to set me up with missing meds. Given his childish behavior subsequent to this event, I am now considering my options.

Would it be prudent to take the matter to H.R. and let them sort it out?

My ADON now knows, but doesn't seem to concerned. He only says, "You guys gotta work it out." How do you work out a nurse that doesn't count his narcs and will not accept responsibility for his actions?

Would this issue be a matter for the BON?

I dread to go there, but this nurse's behavior has gotten me rattled. How in the world do I know those benzos didn't go down his gullet?? How do I know this hasn't happened before? How in the world can I trust this person again!

Any advice is so appreciated, thank you kindly in advance my fellow nurses,

Mark :heartbeat :redbeathe

Sorry, if I'm misunderstanding you but what does being an LPN have to do with it? He either made a mistake or he didn't, his nursing title isn't really relevant at this point. IMHO.

read that post closely, the OP said he didn't mention it for exactly that reason, it has come up now because the poster before you assumed that he was an RN/.

i would strongly advise you not to get caught up in any dynamics between the 2 of you.

regardless of whether you trust him or even like him, should be totally irrelevant.

remain objective, professional, and document ea and every incident.

if you have something to say to him, have a witness with you.

whatever happens, do not respond emotionally.

we can't fix others insecurities, but we can 'fix' the way we respond and handle accordingly.

as suggested, i like the idea of submitting a memo, summarizing the incident at hand, keeping copy for yourself.

this way, any concerns are in writing....

and the paper trail has been started.

it all 'should' work out if you act with integrity and discretion.

much luck to you.


Thank you all for your constructive comments.

I spoke with my immediate super. She attempted to bring the young buck to his senses, and it didn't work. He simply accused her of playing favorites. So, despite my distaste for documenting others behavior, I wrote a fact-based account of what transpired and sent it to my DON and ADON. I also requested a copy be placed in my personnel file.

The young man won't even speak to me, acting as if I don't exist. Very strange behavior that I wish I could understand better. Apparently, he told super that I just don't take well to his "advice." I suppose given his penchant for not counting narcs, I think I'm ok with that.

I will play nice. Not going to lower myself to childish behavior. I'm sure in time all things will work out...:banghead:

Again, thanks to all who responded,

Mark :redbeathe

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