HCC LVN program 2016

U.S.A. Texas


I am irritated with this school now. I've been asking about a course equivalency since January. The program director said I'd hear from her in April. It's the middle of May. I keep leaving messages via phone and email and she won't respond. I have called the program assistant. No response. What the hell is going on over there? Does anyone know? If this is indicative of their program, it's no wonder the Texas BON is on their asses.

Seriously don't bother. I'm a student there and my teachers don't even return phone calls or emails. It's so unprofessional and unorganized.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

The BON is concerned with HCC's very poor NCLEX results for the past 2 years. Unless they can get the pass rate > 80% this year, they're going to be in real trouble.

Ugh I have had so many problems with this school. I've been in the whole process of transferring my classes over to their school and trying to get financial aid at HCC. I spoke to atleast one hundred people about it and I was sent to people who couldn't help me, I think I cried. I also would call the school and no one would ever answer or return my calls. I waited one time for 30 minutes when it said there were 0 callers ahead of me. I ended up getting so frustrated and left my home to go in person because not even the operator was answering the phones. Oh and when I transferred earlier this year my nursing counselor did not tell me anything about their program being in trouble and how this year it would be shut down. I visited her and she told me my classes were good to apply to their program and I was set to go then a few days later the program was in the news for it's bad nclex results. She didn't tell me anything about it and the possibility that the program might not be around anymore. I was in shock !

Everyone there should be fired. DSJ on down.

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