Published Sep 4, 2019
36 Posts
To cut it short, we had a shortened clinical last week and I was unable to get all the info on my patients for my patient care bundles. I need to go back to the hospital to login to epic and get this info but I’m not sure how to go about it. I don’t want my instructor to know I need to do this. I was thinking to just go to the hospital and ask the nurse manager of the floor if I can just use the computer for this info very quickly. I thought it best to not wear my scrubs (because I can’t help out without and instructor) but i’m Also worried this comes across as unprofessional to the nurse manager and those who work on the unit. Am I overstepping by doing this? Or am i just overthinking? Thoughts?
6,999 Posts
Definitely do not do this outside of making arrangements through official channels. If you can't or won't do that, you're just SOL this time around. I'm serious; this is not a matter of opinion.
ETA: By official channels, I mean this is a problem for which your school must advise you. Do not approach hospital personnel with special requests to access their records.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Agree with the above — do not log into the hospital's system outside of your clinical time and without specific permission to do so, and not just from the hospital staff. This would be a huge blunder.
Yeah that definitely makes sense. I’ll contact my school and figure it out. Thank you.