Nursing Students CNA/MA


WOW I have great respect for you CNA'S working in a nh,I started my new job in the ALF and woooo its kicking my butt and I know its easier than the NH. but I do LOVE it too! I am wore out though,I was suppose to be PRN but am now on the schedule and have worked 54 hrs in the past 5 days,I finally told them that I absolutely cant work those 12 hour shifts,they were very understanding and are changing my schedule..yay!!!! :yeah: I have health issues and my body just cant go that long......anyway just wanted to tell ya'll that so far I love it,and must be doing a good job,cuz they keep telling me that....hehe:p

I'm glad you're employed and loving it. Many long-term care homes have high turnover for CNAs so when they get a good one, like you, they will take advantage of it. Don't let them burn you out. Remember, you can't give your patients what you don't have so take time to have "me" time once in a while.

Specializes in CNA.


I'm so proud of you! You got a job you love with overtime if you want or need it. You Go Girl!

Congrats! I have an interview at an ALF tomorrow for PRN, I'm really hoping I get the job!!! Passed my test beginning of July and this is the FIRST interview I've gotten, nobody is doing much hiring right now!

thanks for all the comments.....franharmon they dont give anyone over time(which I couldnt do anyway) no shift diffs. and I make minumum wage...otherwise I would really love the job. busia-GOODLUCK TO YOU! HOPE YOU GET THE JOB!

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