Hate It


How do you know when it's time to just throw in the towel? I hate nursing school. I'm in my first semester of actual nursing classes. Academically, I am doing fantastic. My grades are not an issue at all. I've finished all the academic requirements, other than the actual nursing classes, with a 4.0 and am getting A's so far in my nursing classes.

In clinical, however, I am uncomfortable and have trouble with even the most basic tasks. I hate it.

I have spent several semesters and lots of money pursuing something I think I hate. I don't want to make a rash decision, but I don't want to end up with a degree I hate.

What do I do? I need a crystal ball. Will this all work out? Or do I just cut my losses now?

Let me enlighten you. I know what your problem is. Read very closely. The answer to your problems lies in this statement. And that is, "Nursing is not what you expected it to be". You most likely go to clinical very early in the morning. Your tired, fatigued, didn't get enough sleep, hate life at the moment, wondering why your even here and not by the beach sleeping and sipping on mango juice or in a nice cozy office w/ air-conditioning, wearing a suit and tie answering the phone, and being a boss. You realized, there's so much more that you could be doing. You're likely tired of dealing with patients, having to turn them, wipe their butt, taking care of a total stranger, that you could probably care less for, you see it as a thankless job in the future. Utimately you being to realize you don't like caring for people that don't even want to help themselves. They are probably drug/smoke users, with a history of several admissions in that particular hospital. All the pt. does is whine, moan, for pain meds. it irritates you. Then you look back, that 9-5 office job sounds pretty amazing. No life and death situations, no bodily fluids, no feces, i get to sit all day. Then you realize those type of jobs are extremely hard to get. Your thinking back, y didn't i major in accounting or engineering? Yes, you spent a lot of time and years pursuing something that you think is no longer worth it. My best advice is, cut your losses, jump ship and start fresh. You have a new perspective, but most importantly, you know what you want now.

My prior career was a lawyer. I think I'm good with thankless people. That was my life. I hate suits. I hate sitting in an office all day. I enjoy my time with the patients. Unfortunately, I don't think I can get paid to chit chat with people.

I met with the school about dropping out. I am finishing the semester but I don't know what's next yet.

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