Has anyone messed up really bad in a clinical and still passed

Nursing Students General Students


"Bad" as in just totally had an off day and every little small mess up you could make, you made, with the teacher around to witness. Today was AWFUL. Every move I made, there my teacher was. It wasn't on purpose, I know. But still I don't know what was going on with me, but I am extremely bummed out by it because the last few, while I was not perfect, I still did pretty well. By the way, this is my first semester of nursing school. Really, just some encouragement would be great.

I had that day 2 weeks ago. It was awful. The day before I had felt so on top of things. It was one of those days where I thought, "Oh yeah, I definitely chose the right profession here." And then the next day I seriously felt dumber than a box of rocks. There was some bad family stuff that had happened the night before and I had barely slept. The whole clinical day was just a disaster. I completely blanked in the med room on why I was giving certain meds; I misheard the RN when she told me to flush an IV...I thought she said to take out the whole damn thing (thankfully I doubled checked and did not do this, although I looked like an idiot for even thinking that I should take out an IV on a patient that wasn't even close to discharge); during post-conference I almost forgot what one of my patient's admitting diagnosis was.

I could go on, but I'm embarrassing myself all over again. It happens. There's no way you could fail clinical for one day of that though.

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