Has anyone gotten pregnant and continued w/NS?


I was just curious. I'm just about to turn 27 and my husband is going to be 36 in January. I've seen so much about people who have difficulty getting pregnant - that it scares me to wait until I'm 29 to start to try in case we do have problems conceiving.

Have any of you been pregnant during NS? Or have any of you ever gone to NS w/someone who was pregnant? I'm passionate about getting through school and I'm not planning to make any split decisions. I guess I was just looking for the general consensus of if it's even possible.

I hope this is the right place to post!

I guess what I was thinking was that if I got pregnant - I could continue NS all throughout my pregnancy (as long as there were no complications) - take a leave of absence and come back potentially after I got into the swing of things with a newborn. I'm not sure how it works at my school regarding that type of thing.

I don't know about your school but at mine, a "leave of absence" is non-existent. Either you are in or you are out. There is a woman in my classes currently who is due in about 6 weeks. I'll let ya know how it turns out for her.

Specializes in LDRP.

I did it. I got pregnant the summer between my first and second year of my ADN program. Totally unplanned. It worked out great, though, b/c she was born one month before graduation. I busted my butt gettign awesome grades earlier in teh semester, so I could relax a little after she was born. I had already gotten the outline for the unit before she was born, so I did not return to class afterwards. I came back twice- once for the last test, and once for the final exam.

Even though she was born one month before graduation, there was only two weeks of class left, then two weeks of off time before graduation. So it really worked out. I went to class on my due date, adn went to clinicals the day after-did a full day of clinicals, same as everyone else. went into labor that night!

the school tried to give me trouble. made me get a letter from my doctor stating i could still attend clinicals. when teh letter said "no heavy lifting" i was told to get another letter saying no restricitons. So i cried to the doctor and promised not to do anythign stupid, and she wrote the letter. School was still snotty about it.

I proved them wrong, though. I never missed a day of class. I got great grades. I never asked for favors in clinicals or classes. My classmates helped with any lifting, but I did as much as possible and helped them when necessary. I had a fabulous uncomplicated pregnancy and it was do-able. Hardest part was beign so tired at night when i went to study. (i had two other children, adn had to study at night)

It can be done. 29 is hardly ancient, though. Plenty of people have their first baby after age 29 with no difficulty at all.

i planned my pregnancy so my baby was born during summer break..she was born a week after 1st semester finals and a week later i started some summer classes i signed up for. another nursing student had her baby during nursing school on a weekend and was back to clinical after 3-4days..it is definitely possible.

Maybe you could try to plan it? During school we only have one summer off, otherwise it is straight through. I was pregnant during school, got off for summer in May, had the baby in July and was back to school by August. I was pretty tired during clinical when pregnant, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. You just need to make sure you have help with the baby and I think most people can do it if determined.

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