Has anyone gone to GOLDENWEST COLLEGE (So Cal) in past 2-3 years for Nursing?



I am a new student at GWC and am wondering about the Reputation of their Nursing Program?

I have read some 'ok things' and some 'not so ok things' about the program on this site ....however they are dated back in 2001-2004. But when people say that "Hospitals do not favor GWC students"...it's a little disconcerting.

Any input/info would be really, really helpful.

Thank you all fellow (pre) nursing buddies

Specializes in SRNA.

I live in Orange County and took many of my pre-requisites as well as Pharmacology (nursing curriculum) and Pathophysiology (recommended for nursing students) at GWC. I can only speak to my experience with those courses, as I had no intention of applying to their ADN program as I have no patience for programs that select students by lottery.

I thoroughly enjoyed my Patho and Pharm courses with Dr. Kate Egan and would recommend anyone take those no matter which nursing school/program they are pursuing. Also, if you have not done so already, check out Saddleback College as they admit most of their students on a merit-based points system which is far easier to understand and which rewards students who work hard, rather than those that get chosen randomly.

Good luck!

Does Golden West accept students by lottery only?

Specializes in SRNA.
Does Golden West accept students by lottery only?

When I went to an orientation session (mandatory, if you want to apply there), they were still using a common algorithim that established a cutoff score based on your pre-req grades and cumulative GPA. These grades qualified you and placed you in the lottery pool or disqualified you if your score was below the cutoff. At that point, even if you made it over the cutoff score, it was purely a random drawing by computer which selected the accepted candidates. I don't recall the number of candidates that they had stated were in the qualified pool, but it was a very large number compared to their cohort sizes.

I don't know if they still do it this way, this was the policy one year ago. I had heard a rumor that the State of California was encouraging merit-based admissions by offering more funding to community colleges who modified their admissions criteria, but who knows if changes are truly taking place.

Specializes in Emergency Department.
When I went to an orientation session (mandatory, if you want to apply there)

The orientation session is online now. You watch it and print something out and turn it in with application... and yes, it's still on a lottery system using an algorithm.

Asherah, what school are you going to?

Specializes in SRNA.

Asherah, what school are you going to?

Johns Hopkins (Traditional BSN/MSN combo program)

Specializes in Emergency Department.

I saw Hopkins written under your username a split second after I posted :mad: I see you're still listed as CA, are you doing a distance program? I'm amazed how much is out there!

Specializes in SRNA.
I saw Hopkins written under your username a split second after I posted :mad: I see you're still listed as CA, are you doing a distance program? I'm amazed how much is out there!

No, I'm moving to Baltimore in four weeks, the fall terms starts on September 2nd.

Just as an aside, I definitely think that Southern California has several reputable CC ADN programs, and I applied to Saddleback College (after attending their orientation) and was impressed with their program and facilities. I was accepted there and would have gone there if I wasn't able to fund my education at Hopkins.

i am beginning my 2nd year at gwc. although its practically unheard of, i got in the first time i applied but i am older and i have an advanced degree in a subject other than nursing. first semester was like preschool with a lot of bonding and handholding. 2nd was sheer hell. the worst type of bootcamp with hazing and extreme stress as well as bullying and markedly unfair treatment. i got an a in both semesters but i hated 2nd semester. a counselor told me that there are 2 types of programs: one that ruthlessly weeds out all but the best and one that nurtures to create the best. gwc is obviously of the first model. it is not a program for inquiring minds or people interested in pursuing other than critical care nursing in the hospital setting. its their way or the highway. i was told by an instructor that i read too much and ask too many questions. i didn't think the paperwork is so oppressive but my med/surg 2nd semester clinical experience was horrendously awful since the assessment of one's ability is so subjective. i am amazed at how much i've learned and the competencies that i've acquired, yet, i would seriously consider quitting if i hadn't already invested one year of my life.

Specializes in Emergency Department.
i am beginning my 2nd year at gwc. although its practically unheard of, i got in the first time i applied but i am older and i have an advanced degree in a subject other than nursing.

sorry to sound crabby, but you got in because you lucked out in the lottery. it doesn't matter how old you are or how many degrees you have because gwc doesn't take into account anything but the required prerequisites. if it did, then my age, my previous degree, and the fact i hold a state license as a midwife would count for something too. i'm not that lucky ;)

You are probably right but at this point, I don't really consider myself all that lucky. Maybe if I hadn't gotten in, I might have chosen a program with which I am compatible.

You are probably right but at this point, I don't really consider myself all that lucky. Maybe if I hadn't gotten in, I might have chosen a program with which I am compatible.

Hi Elf1,

I just read your post and I find it very concering. Do you still feel unhappy with the program at GWC or was your 3rd semester better? How many students failed/dropped out of your class. I was just excepted into the GWC Nursing Program to start in the Fall and I am very excited.

Thank you!

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