harmful effects of high-protein diets?

Specialties Pediatric


I need some credible information. I am doing a paper on dieting and my main argument is about the Atkins Diet. One of my instructors had said that high-protein diets are really harmful to some of your main body functions. What I need is some research done that states the harmful effects of the diets that are high in protein. My English teacher was really wanting me to find some information about dieters that have gone to the ER, but I didn't know how I would find that. Can anyone help me find what I am looking for? Thank you.:roll

Not sure, But I've been on and off the Atkins for a while now and the last 2 times I have attempted it, I developed kidney stones within a month or so....

didn't catch it last time, but this time it made me wonder if the diet could be part of the problem (maybe not actually developing the stones, but making them grow larger) Who knows....anyhow, I have to change my eating habits to prevent future formation and growth of stones.

Did you have kidney stones before trying Atkins?


From what I have read, the adverse sideffects of high protein diet could be ketosis, but I guess you really have to "od" on the protein to get there.

My personal concern with high-protein diet is that natural carbohydrates ( veggies and certain whole grains) contain important vitamines. Of course, you could supplement, but IMO there is really nothing better than receiving vitamines through the natural sourse, instead of in a pill.

Another issue is that if someone eats a lot of meat, there has to be adequate intake of vegetables containing antioxidants. Diets high in meat have been linked to certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer.

My friend is on so called South beach ( i think) diet and he hardly eats any fruit because it contains sugar.

I lost 95 lb on low carb/high protein diet, but after i learned a bit about metabolism and anatomy, I came to conclusion that cutting out any major food group out of diet is not a good idea, because it is re-structures one's metabolism.

sorry i can't provide any links, but hopefully this will give you some ideas about other info u can find.

Atkins and the others do stress vegetables and other food groups. You are just selecting vegetables and fruits that are good for you. Same thing with South Beach. Certain fruits are very high in sugars, and you stay away from fruit juices. It takes about 4 oranges to make one glass of orange juice.

No one says that you eat 16 ounces of meat and no vegetables, just someone who is reading the diet wrong. And if they are sticking to induction for more than two weeks. The diets tell you not to.

I eat brown rice, now white rice, at lunch almost everyday. I restrict apsta to perhaps once a month. I do not eat white bread. I do not use any sugar, and only use Splenda. Inches have poured off and I am definitely in very good health. Even my "tiny Thai" students have changed over their eating habits to mine, and they all say that they feel much better. Of course, all of our fruits and vegetables were picked the day before, no such thing as frozen vegetables here.

Any diet means common sense.....................and you must consume enough water everyday, no matter what diet that you are on.......................

Myself, I have some scepticism regarding the Atkins diet because I've talked to soooo many people who do not take the time to *LEARN* what they need to regarding PROPER nutrition before embarking on this type of diet.

Prime example: My cousin and her husband (granted yes, i don't really like them so this may have tainted my view) will forever remain in my memory by saying "We're doing atkins. We can't have any white bread or pasta but all the meat you want". BULLLLLLLLSSSSHHHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT. *imho* *lol*

My motto: Everything in moderation.

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