Harlingen and local Area info for UK Nurse needed


I am considering a job at Harlingen medical centre. i am a uk Peds nurse and am going to be relocating I have NCLEX and wonder do any of you have info about the area.

It would be a hospital contract what can I expect?

Hope to hear from you.

Unless you speak/understand Spanish well and would enjoy being immersed in the Mexican/TexMex culture, you would probably be happier immigrating/working farther north in Texas where English is the language of choice. There are cultural differences between Britain and the US alone, but you would likely feel a major culture shock in south Texas. ;)

I have many Brit friends who relocated here in the Dallas Fort Worth area...some have even stayed on, married and raised their families here, so there is a large community of Brit nurses here...they even have clubs. I assume Austin, San Antonio, Houston (larger cities) have the same.

Beware of the huge sign on bonuses in south Texas...they likely require up to 4 yrs committment and are paid 'in pieces'. Many of these facilities have trouble getting nurses, they aren't well staffed and Texas is an 'employment at will ' state...you can be fired for anything and they can deny your bonus at any time. I hear the hourly wage is not very good either...it is not a wealthy area.

My sister used to live on the border and is glad to get away.Border towns are corrupt with crime and drug trafficking as a general rule. The officials are often corrupt and involved with smuggling, graft on the border as well.

So now that I've encouraged you...;)...seriously, please visit the exact locale for a fairly long spell before you make a decision. While some love it in south Texas, and you may want the cultural experience, many do not enjoy it there so please don't let the lure of a huge bonus convince you all on its own.

Best wishes.

They have withdrawn as it is too expensive for them to hire through the agency! Says it all.

Thanks for the advice:rolleyes: Back to a new search....

That area is a terrible area anyway. I agree with Mattsmom, look further north in texas or elsewhere in the US!! Good luck!

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