handling "disgusting" situations


I'll be brief. I've tried to shadow nurses, but have not been able to due to patient confidentially laws, etc. I am in the process of applying to nursing schools, but am nervous about some nursing "disgusting" tasks.

There are some unpleasant tasks that i've mastered. In high school, i had a job that involved, in part, cleaning toilets. i got used to it pretty quickly. I participated in cadaver dissection. i was uncomfortable for a day or so, but then had no problems with the tasks.

I mention this to show that i can adapt to "unpleasant" situations.

However, I am really concerned that i will not be able to tolerate situations involving patients and excrement.

This has actually given me a few sleepless nights.

Aside from this issue, nursing would suit me well. I hope that I won't crash and burn as a result of this.

Have any of you had similar concerns, or have you seen people "wash out" as a result of this or similar issues?


Specializes in Gyn Onc, OB, L&D, HH/Hospice/Palliative.

I think you get use to just about everything, but some things will always sceive you out. I personally don't like sputum ,suctioning, cleaning dentures, really anything to do with sputum grosses me out, puke,bleed,poop,pee, anything is fine, I just don't want to deal with sputum, but I do when I have to.... other than that since I work in oncology, some pts w/ advanced ca have such rotting flesh/stench (especially in Gyn as the lady parts is a great escape hatch for odors),it truly has a unique odor, can't ever get use to it, but I put that in the back of my mind and care completely for those patients always thinking ' What if that were me??'

i will tell you how i got over feces.....2 years of giardia....ha....having uncontrollable diarrhea 6-8 times a day, that was fantastic...but i have a whole new concept of folks and their feces...

now thats an experience.

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