Halloween Scare


Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg, ED, Psych.

Since it is Halloween, Have you ever been scared at work by a weird situation, practical joke or by something totally unusual?

One that comes to mind was a coworkers "jewlery box" she showed me.....inside it was a fake spider and it was spring activated....she opened it up and the spider flew on me.

I don't like insects - I SCREAMED!


Specializes in Peds!, Home Health, DD/MI.

While I was working my way through nursing school, I worked in a group home for developmentally disabled. One of my coworkers thought it would be funny to put some oregano in a baggie and to convince me that one of our residents had bought and stashed a bag of pot. I freaked out!

Specializes in ER.

Last spring I was precepting in a neuro icu. A patient had just passed, and the nurses were cleaning her up and getting ready to take her down to the morgue and had the cart up and ready. Since I was in school, they asked me if I wanted to help take the body down and see where it was.

I agreed, and when they told me to pull off the cover of the cart, one of the nurses had climbed in and was waiting for me pull it off, and I screamed when I pulled off the cover. I was not expecting to see someone there! It was pretty funny at the time, but kind of gross she voluntarily got in a cart that we transport the deceased (she was lying on a blanket, though).

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

I was doing nights in a LTC facility where this young bed-ridden male required very specific meds via his g-tube at exactly 2am every night. OK; so it's dark in his room and I never turn on the lights as to not disturb him. I was doing his usual 2am meds standing beside the bed when suddenly something from under the bed grabbed both my ankles firmly. I do believe I might have soiled myself. You really had to be there.

After my initial reaction that would've sent a normal individual to the hospital I hear this hysterical laughter and look down and it's one of the CNA's laughing so hard; I look up and on the other side of the bed his partner in crime was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face. Yes it's true; they set me up and I fell for it. I looked around the room to see if anyone was woken by this little prank and all the residents in the room were sleeping like babies.

Those CNA's laid in wait for me because they knew I was a stickler on this particular patient for the timing of the meds, so they laid under the bed and waited until I came in. I often think about those two as I thoroughly enjoyed working with them. I won't tell what I got them back with but needless to say our unit was close.

Specializes in critical care, PACU.

oooh yes. I swear one room is haunted but I dont want to give up my identity because I have widely discussed my suspicions. very creepy and also opens me up to the brunt of a lot of subsequent pranks hehe

Specializes in NICU, Peds, Med-Surg.

yes, I work with very fun people and we've been scaring eachother a bit this week! We've gone to empty rooms and called on the nurse light, freaking out the person who answers it....LOL! We've heard several ghost stories about the place, so that has made it even scarier!!!

tyvin--that's funny, but I seriously might've had an MI if that was done to me!!!!!!!

Specializes in PACU, OR.
Last spring I was precepting in a neuro icu. A patient had just passed, and the nurses were cleaning her up and getting ready to take her down to the morgue and had the cart up and ready. Since I was in school, they asked me if I wanted to help take the body down and see where it was.

I agreed, and when they told me to pull off the cover of the cart, one of the nurses had climbed in and was waiting for me pull it off, and I screamed when I pulled off the cover. I was not expecting to see someone there! It was pretty funny at the time, but kind of gross she voluntarily got in a cart that we transport the deceased (she was lying on a blanket, though).

I was doing nights in a LTC facility where this young bed-ridden male required very specific meds via his g-tube at exactly 2am every night. OK; so it's dark in his room and I never turn on the lights as to not disturb him. I was doing his usual 2am meds standing beside the bed when suddenly something from under the bed grabbed both my ankles firmly. I do believe I might have soiled myself. You really had to be there.

After my initial reaction that would've sent a normal individual to the hospital I hear this hysterical laughter and look down and it's one of the CNA's laughing so hard; I look up and on the other side of the bed his partner in crime was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face. Yes it's true; they set me up and I fell for it. I looked around the room to see if anyone was woken by this little prank and all the residents in the room were sleeping like babies.

Those CNA's laid in wait for me because they knew I was a stickler on this particular patient for the timing of the meds, so they laid under the bed and waited until I came in. I often think about those two as I thoroughly enjoyed working with them. I won't tell what I got them back with but needless to say our unit was close.

oooh yes. I swear one room is haunted but I dont want to give up my identity because I have widely discussed my suspicions. very creepy and also opens me up to the brunt of a lot of subsequent pranks hehe

yes, I work with very fun people and we've been scaring eachother a bit this week! We've gone to empty rooms and called on the nurse light, freaking out the person who answers it....LOL! We've heard several ghost stories about the place, so that has made it even scarier!!!

tyvin--that's funny, but I seriously might've had an MI if that was done to me!!!!!!!

People, PLEASE don't forget the "Nursing Ghost Stories" thread under staffpicks-we are waiting with bated breath for your tales of terror...

Specializes in Emergency Dept, Med-Surg.

When I was a nursing student on my mother/baby rotation, my instructor was coming out of the nursery with a newborn in the bassinette. As she was walking towards me down the hallway, she tripped and knocked over the cart, with the baby falling out and onto the floor. As I'm running towards her, she's on the floor laughing so hard that she's crying. The "baby" was a doll that they specifically kept in the closet to freak out whoever was new when April Fool's Day rolled around. It took a few hours before I could really laugh about it because my heart was palpitating the rest of the morning.:redbeathe

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