Gwynedd Mercy ABSN May 2017


So I just got accepted to Gmercys accelerated nursing program and I am so relieved that I got in. Anyone else starting in May? Does anyone have any extra info they are willing to share?

I also got accepted into the May 2017 program. I was accepted to the satillete campus in center city Philadelphia. I have heard great things about the program and excited to hear any new information

Also anyone looking for a roomate ?

Anyone have any idea what they are going to in commuting to Gwynedd if you are doing the Philly campus? Apparently clinical starts at 630am and the earliest train doesn't put you there in time for that start time so driving will be necessary and I heard there is no parking for students.. yikes!

I was looking into a parking lot with monthly parking rates . I'll also be at the philly loctaion

I'm currently in this program. If you have any other option for school, I WOULD NOT go to Gwynedd. The ABSN program is a complete mess.

Could you describe your experience more ?

Sure, I would be happy to. Just to clarify a couple of things about myself - I'm doing well in the program. I don't want you to think I'm just bitter about an unfair teacher or a bad grade. It really isn't anything like that. I also consider myself to be a pretty laid back person. Not a lot gets under my skin, but somehow gwynedd managed to do that. I'm in the Philadelphia campus and not Bensalem. It is very possible that people in Bensalem are having a completely different experience than I am. Lastly, If you end up going to Gwynedd, I'm sure you'll get through and get your BSN and everything will be fine, but if I had any idea what this program would be like, I would not have wanted to go here.

The biggest issue for me is the complete lack of organization. It might not sound like a big deal to you now, but when you're juggling a heavy work load and nothing on the schedule is consistent, it becomes incredibly frustrating. Dates, and times for tests, clinicals and labs are constantly changing. Our program was advertised to us as Monday through friday 8:00 to 4:00 in Philadelphia, but I now have clinicals every weekend for the rest of this semester. I'm fortunate in that I don't have kids, or am trying to juggle a job, but it is incredibly hard for people who do. On top of the changes in scheduling, half of the people who applied to my cohort were forced to start at Bensalem and were notified about this change less than a week before classes started. It is pretty messed up considering a lot of people moved into the city to start at the Philly campus and then without any heads up were told otherwise. Some of my classmates had to get lawyers involved in order to stay put.

The other thing about the program is the lack of support from Gwynedd regarding these issues. If you try to politely request to have a calendar in advance, or heaven forbid, change a clinical location that doesn't work for you, you probably won't hear anything back from anyone...EVER. From my own undergrad experience, I'm used to professors and admin wanting to work with you and try their hardest to accommodate you to help you succeed, but that isn't the case at Gwynedd. Not to mention our program directer recently left the program, so we are without one at the moment. No one gave us a heads up about her leaving, no one has addressed the issue and we haven't been told if and when we'll get a new director. We're constantly being left in the dark about everything.

Those are my two biggest complaints. There are other things that get to me, but I feel like i'm starting to sound pretty whiny. As I said before, if you choose Gwynedd, i'm sure you'll graduate and be a good nurse with a BSN, but if you have any other option, I would go for it. Any ABSN program will be stressful, but Gwynedd is too new of a program and has too many kinks to work out and only adds to the anxiety of being a nursing student.

Hope this was helpful, and I hope I didn't scare you. I just think people should be aware of these things going in to it.

Wow thanks for the response. Defiantly gives me an idea of what your talking about. My brother had similar issues at another nursing school he graduated from . Great to know thanks.

Does anyone know if there is a facebook group for the May 2017 cohort yet?

I just got accepted today via phone call to the ABSN program in Bensalem for August 2017!! I asked to be transferred to Center City and am waiting to hear back. Is there a facebook group?

How do u like the program ?

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