Gwinnett Tech Nursing Program 2012 kaplan exam

U.S.A. Georgia


Hey guys I have to take my kaplan exam next week thursday! :( yeaaaa freaking out! how was the exam for those that already took it?

Its amazing following this post, and I'm going back and forth checking my status! LOL! My heart can't take anymore. I never expected this, and its only the beginning! I hope I have strength to complete the program. Anyone applying to Clayton State?

kiki, it's a great cause. My mom-in-law's been doing this for the last 10 years or so out in Seattle.

Specializes in Travel ER Psych.

Thanks girl! She must obviously love doing it to be doing it that many years. I'm excited but nervous...kinda like what we've been going through...the people that I have met who walk, seem like they do it every year...I have heard it really is life changing... Tell your mom -in -law I said congrats on 10 years! :)

Thanks, Kiki. She loves it, she had a knee replacement surgery last December and still plans on walking this year!

So, the day has come and gone with no word.... Let's hope tomorrow is the day!

i believe chattahoochee tech in austell has a june deadline...

How are you guys. Been so busy running up and down today.

By the way, Mine changed as well.

So it must mean something for it to change, especially to change right now....but still wont believe anything until I see it!

Okay doke..... so..... we found out by email (the current senior class). I'm not sure exactly how they are doing it this year, but I believe this is how they have done it the past two years. GTC compared to GPC....... I applied to and was accepted to both schools. I had taken my prereqs at GTC and yes... I do love the school. I did some research and you may want to do the same so you will have it when you make your decision. I found that the percentage rate of students that actually complete the program is significantly higher at GTC. I have heard that at GPC that is not the case. In my own personal experience, our instructors at GTC have worked incredibly hard for me, fought for me, and encouraged me. I have personally witnessed an instructor belittling a GPC student in clinical. It was awful! It may have been an isolated incident.... but then I had a family member at CHOA tell me how wonderful she thought our instructors were and how she had seen an instructor from GPC really get on their student in the room and she told the student she was marking her grade down from one level to the next because she didn't have the exact answer to something. Our instructors usually talk to us in private when something needs to be addressed and usually use it as a teachable moment, not a scolding.... if that makes sense.

I would recommend that you do some research, maybe see if you can get some feedback from current or previous GPC students so you can get their direct opinion. I am afraid that I may be biased because I love our school. :) Good luck!!

Do you have a date, or the transcript changed? What does it say on the transcript that is different?

By the way, Mine changed as well.

Yesterday under current program it said certificate. I looked again today, not it says associates in nursing.

mommybear9, thank you for the info regarding GPC vs GTC - I have heard some of those same things about GPC, that the teachers are not so nice. I have encountered it somewhat in dealing with admissions, like they really dont care. So I need to do some more research on GTC. So what was your first semester schedule like? What hospital were you assigned to? Thanks again for reaching out to us.......

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