Guys: what made you want to go into nursing?


I am aiming to go to nursing school......and wanted insight as to why you guys went into/going into nursing ...... family thinks it would be "wiser" for me to go into medicine, being that im "young" and all, and think i should strive for more of a "challenge" and more "respect", hence go into medicine......??

The ability to help people and work with caring people were two of the biggest things that attracted me to nursing. I like working with people and enjoy helping them to live healthier and more productive lives. Yes, there are bad days, but there are days that are very rewarding too.

My mother and grandmother were both nurses. When we used to have family get-togethers my mother and grandmother used to sit in the kitchen and tell stories about work - some were sad, some were tragic but most of them were hilarious. All the other guys in the family would be sitting in the lounge telling boring work anecdotes which didn't interest me at all. Always wanted to be a nurse, always have been and always will be!

I am actually in the middle of considering an accelerated BSN program. Some of the reasons as to why I'm considering changing my current profession.....

1) Identification. I have yet to identify myself with what I do for a living. I'm 32, have a BBA, MBA and have been an investment advisor for the past 6 years.

2) Seldom feel satisifed at the end of the day. Okay, my pay is about the only thing that gives me satisfaction.

3) Want to actually "help" people.

4) Both my sisters are RNs and my wife is studying to become one....they all speak very highly of what they do.

5) Many different paths within the healthcare field....I could potentially move up rather quickly with my people skills and having a BBA and MBA.

Specializes in child & adolescent mental health nursing.
Specializes in E.P. tele ccu er home health.

Nursing is a Calling first career second-that md stuff is just an over rated job- compassion is not taught- either you got it or you dont know alot of mdsYea who nis kidding who

Specializes in E.P. tele ccu er home health.

Nursing is a Calling first career second-that md stuff is just an over rated job- compassion is not taught- either you got it or you dont know alot of mdsYea who is kidding who i was nursing waaaaay back when there were very very few men in nursing and lots of woman frindge bene though calling first!

Nursing is a Calling first career second-that md stuff is just an over rated job- compassion is not taught- either you got it or you dont know alot of mdsYea who is kidding who i was nursing waaaaay back when there were very very few men in nursing and lots of woman frindge bene though calling first!

Lol! I am not really sure what you are trying to say but I can tell you were trying to say it at 2:45 in the morning. A long night?:)

Because it is rewarding at the end of the day after I providing care for pts in need. bwahahaha JK.

It's for the girls, duh.

Specializes in Nursing Education, CVICU, Float Pool.

This post is old, butbim gonna post anyway. Simply put. I like to talk and explain things to people. I like the biological sciences, but hate chemistry, physics, and advanced mathematics . I love to learn, but am not exactly a fan of being in school until I'm almost 30. Reading is my passion. I like the various options that nursing gives. I honestly don't want to make an obscene amount of money, just enough to be able to live comfortably and go on vacation, go out to eat, and go to the movies without having fear of not being able to afford it. I like knowing what to do when people are unsure of what is going on or what might happen. I'm 19, single, with no kids and want to have a life during my 20's and 30's and for the rest of my life. I've got a lot of things I want to do, and being in school forever and a day is not going to help me do them, no offense, it's just not for me. I also like how nurses think and come to a solution and get the chance to collaborate with other health professionals, directly. I don't want to go into much or any debt at all, for school. I haven't taken out a student loan yet and don't plan too unless I absolutely have too. I also don't want to have to pay out the wazzoo for . I'm ok with not always being in charge or being the top-dog.*I'm a guy who really wants a simple life. I want a hybrid car to help the planet and save on gas. I want a house and a yard and to be able to travel when I want, especially internationally. I want to volunteer in disaster relief. I do want to become an FNP so I can serve those in rural communities or in the convenient care clinic arena. However the goal of FNP is attainable without 4 years of Post undergrad coursework and another 3 to 4 year residency requirement. If I keep it going I can be an FNP by the time I'm 25, and that's with a one year grace period. IF I bust my butt, I can make it their at 24. Point being I'll stil lbe able to enjoy the rest of my twenties! Lolz!*I have always excelled in my studies, and I say this humbly. I did, however struggle through anything other than the laboratory part of chemistry and advance maths. I still graduated with honors from high school and in the top 10% of my class. I am a member of the BETA club, National Technical Honor Society, and Phi Thet Kappa. I didn't "not" go to medical school because I couldn't handle it academcially, I like challenges. Confidence is one think I don't lack, not that I am concieted. But, I am confident in the things that I do know.

I decided to join nursing because I really wanted to be in teh medical field. I met a nure when a friend was very ill. After I went through that I decided that it was my calling.

Specializes in Geriatrics/LTC.

I came in through an odd way...My Mom is a Nurse (LPN) and works at a local Nursing Home, at the time I didn't have a job and my mom said I could get on at her facility as a CNA, reluctantly, I did. I had NO idea what I was getting myself into, but it was amazing. I had a team of 8 residents, 5 totally dependent on me.

They would always tell me how thankful they were that I was their Aide and they would give a whole-hearted thanks for the hard work I did for them and they were SOOOOO appreciative! No matter how mad I was at the world, my residents made it all go away and it was then I had decided to pursue medicine and went to LPN school and here I am, a 23y/o LPN just starting his life long career.

By the way, I did NOT realize there was a section dedicated to the Male Nurses and I have to say, it's really awesome!

Specializes in Emergency.

I wanted to work in medicine, but I didn't want to spend 80+ hours a week away from my family. I also wanted direct patient contact. Thus I chose nursing=)

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