Published Apr 20, 2007
General E. Speaking, RN, RN
1 Article; 1,337 Posts
Any of you running into road blocks as far as student loans? The Jr college I am going to for LVN-RN has told me that since I already have my LVN (which counts as college hrs) and my umpteen (required) pre-req's that I will have to go through an appeals process to get a student loan for the RN program. Apparently, if you have >90 college hours it sets up a red flag. I guess I can see the logic. It would prevent some slackers from staying in college year after year with no degree/plan in sight. However, you would think a college with a TRANSITIONAL program would know ahead of time that a LVN is going to have >90 hrs. It seems there should be some sort of exception to the rule in place without making us go through the appeals process. The other college that I attended for my pre-req's never said a word to me. Now I have no student loan money for Summer I.
Ironically, when I began my pre-req's in 2004, the college told me that my LVN DID NOT count for college hours, therefore, I would be required to take the college entrance test, which lead to me failing the Math and taking remedial Math courses, etc... It seems my LVN "college" hours only count when it is least convenient for me.
Hoops, hoops and more hoops. I am so very sick of hoops!!!
34 Posts
I had/have the same problem. My school LOVES to make you jump through hoops and watch run around all over campus. I received my AS in EMS, im currently a paramedic and want to take part in the Paramedic-RN program this school offers...but no luck. I filed an appeal and they approved me for an additional 6 hours...umm what a joke. what Im going to do is look for nursing specific loans, especially those that are partially forgiven when you work as an RN. More hoops and leg work, I know but you can argue with "stupid".
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
i have the same problem. i have well over 100 hours and when i was trying to get financial aid i hit the road block. however, i did the appeal and was granted fa for only the hours needed to complete my aas degree. now i must go to a major university and do my nursing classes or pay the cc myself. what i have been doing is my husband is a student at uta and he usually pays my fees out of his fa...
367 Posts
I've got the over 90 problem too. I have 150+ credits and am in an ADN program. I had to appeal and they were okay with it because I did receive a previous degree. However, I am limited to only those credits needed to complete the ADN. This puts me in a dilemma. I am finishing up my 3rd semester. I would like to take two classes over the summer I would need for admission to the RN to BSN degree at my school (American Government and a second Humanities class). I've been told that if I take those classes, even if I pay for them cash out of my pocket, I will not receive any loan money in the Fall for my 4th semester. How stupid is that? That's outright discouraging continueing my education!
1,007 Posts
I have 140 hours and was refused for financial aid from the community college. I appealed previously when I was going to do a medical assistant program but had already received an AA degree and was denied. I inquired with a rep at the financial aide office last week about appealing to complete the nursing program and she told me it was pointless because of the huge # of hours I have. I'm going to try anyway. I'll be okay if I don't get it because my hospital will give me $5000 to get my RN (and they don't care if you also get FA, but if I can get some grant $$ on top of that it would be nice. I'm planning to get married this fall so every penny counts!
Maybe they were okay with my over hours because I had received many of them along with an AS degree 20 years ago??? I hate bureaocratic red tape.
punished for getting educated