GSU Spring 2010


I submitted my application for Georgia State University's nursing school last week. I thought I would start a new thread for everyone that is applying for the spring. I know that I will be checking my mail box religiously over the next few weeks!

I was looking at posts from last year around this time to get an idea of when we may receive acceptance (hopefully!) letters. Someone received a letter on or before October 18th last year. Hopefully we'll know by the end of this month!

Good luck everyone!

P.S. here's the link to the previous post

Thanks for finding that! The waiting is killing me already! This website is the only thing keeping me sane right now :-) Since today was the deadline for submitting an application, I was hoping that we might even hear something next week. But, I'm sure that is too optimistic. I bet they will need a while to read through all of the applications and get the letters printed. I turned my application in a month ago, but now I keep second guessing myself. I'm so worried that I should've taken the NET again before submitting. Oh well, I guess all I can do now is wait and see. Good luck to everyone!

Yep, its a hurry-up-and-wait game now... I heard from one of my HHS3000 classmates that they have already started sending out acceptance letters to "sure things". That's just rumor though, I haven't heard of anyone actually being accepted yet.

I talked to one of the nursing admission coordinators at the Urban life building 9th floor last weekand she told me that the first evaluation had been completed and approximately 24 students had been selected. Most of the students selected were those with a perfect evaluation score of 25 points. She also informed me that letters were being addressed to inform the respective students. It is funny because all the while she was talking and after I had given her my name a couple of times just to see her facial reaction to maybe my name had popped up somewhere during their deliberations,nothing. She wouldn't even give me a hint after I ask her a direct question. So you see fellows, I am almost about to be that guy they report on the news as trying to jump off on I85 North. I have been stalking my post man for mails since Monday. Is anyone experiencing this?I just wanna make sure I am not loosing it.

Krichy, you're definitely not alone... Even though I know it is not rational to think a letter could come so soon after the deadline, I still get that nervous feeling in my stomach every time I walk to the mail box. I'm definitely not in the "perfect 25" category. My pre-req GPA is only 3.5 and I got a 93 on the NET. I'm also completing 6 of the prerequisites this semester.

At least this still leaves about 50 spots open for the rest of us. Did she say how many of those 24 were for the accelerated vs traditional program?

Let us know when you get your acceptance mixolydain. With a 4.12 GPA you're surely one of the 24!

I haven't received anything yet either. I'm sure you are a good candidate too bdanders. You scored higher than me on the NET! I made an 88. So, I don't know if I would be in the perfect 25 category either. Does anyone know how exactly they calculate the points? I guess we will all hear something by the end of next week at the latest, based on last year's timeline. Good luck to everyone! I hope we all get in!

I found this awhile ago. I'm assuming that the 'perfect 25' they're referring to is a 4.0 GPA and whatever score qualifies you for receiving the full 10 points for the NET. Also, I'm not sure where the short answer questions are counted in all of this. Maybe they're just tie-breakers?

They give up to 15 points for grades (program GPA not overall)








up to 10 points for NET

in 5 pre rec science classes based on grade A-2, B-1, C-0

up to 2 pts for essay

up to 1 pt for each recommendation

Well thank you bdanders. I was actually begining to assign those points you listed to everything in my application packet then I thought it was not such a good idea if I wanted to prevent a heart attack.I think I will simply wait.It would have been really helpful if they could just post this things online you know, so you don't have to wonder if you letter got lost in transit or it just fell behind the postman's seat. Mixolydian and bdanders you guys are very good candidates for the accelerated program so you guys keep me updated because I am quite certain you guys mail will be expedited as of mine we will see. I have been religiously reading you guys post so keep it coming. Goodluck and pray on it.

So, I stopped in the Nursing office today to ask a couple questions and they're still going through applications. I asked when they expected to send decision letters out and they said they should be finished in about a month. Hopefully, its sooner than this, but I just thought I'd let everyone know!

A month?? This wait is killing all of us, I'm sure.

Thanks for the update bdanders! That seems like an awfully long time to wait. I wonder why it is taking longer this semester? It seems like people started getting letters 3 weeks after the deadline in past semesters. Maybe they had more applicants this time? I'm hoping that it won't take a month more to find out. Afterall, there are things we all need to prepare before January if we do get in. Don't we need to take a CPR class and get a physical? I know I should be patient, but I just want to be able to plan my future. I'm sure all of you are just as anxious!

bdanders thanks for the post. I too actually talked to Angela the nursing coordinator to day around 5pm, I believe she is the replacement for Grace Marriot who use to be there before and what she said to me is pretty much thesame, end of this month or the next for the letters and that they were still reviewing the applications. If there is anything you guys are doing to keep the pressure off,please share.Coming to this forum is the only "w#$d" I am smoking right now to keep the thought out of my head.

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