Gravity Training?

Nurses General Nursing


I was watching a cartoon with a cousin of mine and one of the characters was training in gravity like 20g's. I know that if any human was placed in that envoirment, they would more than likely perish since the weight of the their body would smoother them. But it raises an interesting thought for me.

Supposing someone did invent a gravity chamber and you could adjust the gravity say to 1.2 or 1.5g's. Would excercising in that envoirment prove more detrimental than beneficial? I am guessing that if someone worked out regularly in that sort of envoirment, would maintain good health such as good weight, good bp, etc....

Also, I would think that after returning to normal gravity, the extra strength gained, would quickly vanish since the person would not be using the muscles as much. Just like how astronauts much work out harder in space to preven muscle loss.

Please share all your comments on this topic, I am very interested in it, and wish to learn more about it.




This is all really too technical for my little ol brain, but part of exercising is propelling your own body weight, and I just don't see the benefit if your body weight is decreased.

I know water aerobics are beneficial, because while they increase resistance, they decrease pain and damage to the joints of the body. But without gravity, where is the resistance?

Again, my little brain does not comprehend this type of information well. But Mario will have a field day with this question~!



No No No lol.

I was talking about if someone built a gravity chamber that would increase the gravity in the chamber. 1g is normal gravity, 1.2g would be equal to being 20% heavier for EVERYTHING from a paperclip to ourselves.


Ahhhhh... I see.

So then, wouldn't it be like exercising in water? The resistance would be increased.


ACK! There's smoke coming out of my ears!


Yeah increased resistance.

Lets say you were working out in 2g's (easily numbers lol). A normally weighing person at 150 pounds (again easy numbers for me lol) would weigh 300 pounds in 2g's. Everything you do would become excercise since every part of your body would weigh twice as much.


BUT if the gravity was reduced to 0.5g, then we would weigh half as much. And the muscle strength we have now would literally make us jump with every step we take in 0.5g. Sitting here on earth, we are in 1g.


Also unlike water, this envoirment is exerting constant pressure/force on to you. Where-as water is only providing resistance when you are swimming or do any other activity.


SO if water only provides resistance when you move, but in higher gravity that resistance is CONSTANT, then how high of gravity could you be in before the constant presure caused you to implode (or explode?)


I tend to think you are right Nick. But I wonder what the added pressure would do on our organs. Certainly they would be stressed more, and probably in ways that they are not designed to handle the added stress???

I CANT TAKE ALL THIS PRESSURE on my little brain!!! Helllllp!

Well Heather, I do not know the pressure at which that damage would occur. MY guess is that the person would merely be crushed as though they were run over with a steam roller used on paving highways.

Agnus, again my theory would be that we could handle it to a point. Fighter-pilots routinely endure added g-forces and must wear what is called a g-suit which inflates around the legs to force blood back up into the brain. I am fairly sure that a good number of people can endure say 1.2g without serious health risk. But I certainly doubt that 2g would be feisible without working up to slowly to build your strength.

Think of this, take your body weight and first multiply it by 1.2, that is how much you would weigh in 1.2g. Then multiple your weight by 2, and that is of course how much you would weight in 2g. I do not know about yall, but I could hardly (if at all) move if I weigh twice what I weigh now.


Shouldn't you be asking a physicist about this?

Well, they would also have to have medical knowledge of human anatomy as well. So why not start with a doctor/nurse?


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