Graduating soon, when to apply for jobs?


Hi there,

I'm a nursing student, I'll be done in 5 months, when should I start applying for jobs?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

It depends on hiring practices where you live. Some hospitals do not want to talk to you until you are licensed. Others hire long before graduation with the stipulation that the offer is good as long as you pass the licensing exam. Where I live, new grads ONLY get hired in acute care to new grad residencies, never directly to the floor. Therefore if you don't apply prior to graduation, you miss the boat completely, because it is very competitive. However, that isn't the way it is done everywhere. Your profile says you are from Canada. You may need to find someone else in Canada to know how things work there.

This seems fair. I live in a smaller northern city with only one acute-care hospital. I know they hire nurses before they have completed their NCLEX. Would it be reasonable/appropriate to contact their HR department to inquire when they would prefer to receive applications/resumes?

Specializes in ICU.

I started applying 4 months before I graduated and started getting calls back for interviews probably 2 months before I graduated. I was able to graduate with a job offer lined up prior to even scheduling my NCLEX. I would start now. Can't hurt.

Specializes in Med/surg/ortho.

Once you've passed your boards perhaps. Where I live they won't hire you until you officially have your license

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