I graduated in May and got my license on June 7th and still haven't gotten any job
offers:(. I had two interviews before I took the NCLEX, and didn't get any offers. When I got my license I only had one interview with an outpatient mental health facility over a week ago and I called back the following Monday and told them I was still interested and she told me they were still waiting on the other applicants that were doing facility visits. The position has been open since last November, so I was thinking either they haven't received any applicants or they have turned down a lot of people. She told me she would let me know by the end of the week, but I never received a call back . I really like the position and would like to work there. I have applied at a bunch of stores because I need to start working and just wait for nursing interviews. I don't want to relocate for a nursing position, but even if I did I don't have the money to relocate. I have always had an interest in the military and looked at all the branches of the military and they all require a BSN, so I can't even do that. I don't want to be an RN working at a store for 6 months to over a year, I went to college to make something of myself and make a difference, working in a store is not what I had in mind. I have been sitting at home for over two months and feeling worthless because I can't land a nursing position. Just wanted to vent my frustrations:madface: