Graduate Nurse...Where to work until licensed?


Hello Everyone!

What type of position can I hold, besides working as a CNA, while I wait to sit for the NCLEX and complete the licensure process? Thanks!

Hello Everyone!

What type of position can I hold, besides working as a CNA, while I wait to sit for the NCLEX and complete the licensure process? Thanks!

Depends on the State: some don't allow a graduate nurse status at all; you'd have to hold a license in order to start work as a nurse. Others will allow you to work as a graduate nurse, with a permit, for a specified period of time. Some as short as a few months, others up to a year. In any case, if you were to fail the NCLEX, you'd also lose that graduate job.

Check with your State BON for whether you're allowed to work as a graduate nurse or not.

Best of luck!

Specializes in Cardiac, ER.

Didn't your school address this issue with you? This should all be spelled out in black and white before you actually graduate. They should explain exactly how the laws work in your area, and hopefully even help you find a position!

Thanks for the feedback!

Many of us did not attend college in the same state we intended to practice. Thanks anyway for your input!

RNsR WE I'm in Illinois and it appears getting thru to the board of nursing is near impossible. I'll keep trying...I may get my license before I speak to them however...LOL!!! Thanks for the 'Well Wishes for my Nursing Career'

Specializes in Telemetry.

I'm in IL, here you are not allowed to work until licensed...

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