grad gift for FNP

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Specializes in maternal child, public/community health.

I have a friend who is graduating from FNP school. Any ideas for useful gifts?

It depends on how much you want to spend! A gift card to a uniform store that carries nice lab coats and does monogramming is nice; a gift card to Epocrates or Pepid would be useful as well.

My mom gave me a 100.00 gift card to a local spa and that was THE best present!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Gift card at iTunes if they have an iPhone is well worth it - she can then pick some reference books to download to her phone. Believe me, as an APN, you need more than the free ePocrates.

You are a very nice friend too.

For me, lab coats are furnished with our practice name on them and stuff.

Specializes in FNP.

I know you are probably thinking of something appropriate to the new role of NP specifically, but I think getting him/her something specifically for themselves is equally thoughtful. As nurses, sometimes we spend so much physical and psychological energy taking care of other people, we forget to take care of ourselves. The new graduate's whole life has been about being a NP for several years by now, give them something that let's them be about something else for an hour or two, something about a hobby they used to enjoy before grad school or something. ;-) I also second the spa idea.

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