Gordon College 2012

U.S.A. Georgia


Im having a terrible time waiting for my letter of decision from GC. I pretty much stalk the mail man..and it is not even eight weeks :uhoh3:..I am looking for friends along this waiting process..has anyone heard anything about when the letters will go out?.. 8 weeks like the website says.. or will they take longer possibly until Oct. 30??.. I have heard that some people have already gotten denial letters. Do they send them out first? :eek: Soo ready to just have the letter in my hand so i can stop living in limbo. Anyone having this problem? :banghead:

thanks for letting me know. I will need the Tuesday one.

Could anyone tell me where to locate the books we need on the Gordon College website Please!?!?!?

I was going to go to the bookstore on tuesday and look at them so I can see if I can find them on amazon cheaper

if you havent found out by then I will post them for everyone

Is anyone taking any other classes along with the nursing ones to get 12 hours?

Hi CanaansMom: I know you said that you were not accepted, but did your letter at least say that you were on a temporary waiting list?

I'm honestly not sure what to do now. Any suggestions?

Well I guess there are a few things you can do. If you are still interested in nursing you can apply to other schools. I dont know where you live but I would research schools that are 45 minutes or less away from you. You prob won't want to drive much longer than that. I go to WGTC, it's awful, I wouldnt waste your time applying, 3 teachers walked out at the beginning of the semester. You could try for an LPN program then do a bridge to RN. That way you could get a job as an LPN while going to school to be an RN. LPNs have different pre-reqs so you'd have to look into that. If you are done with nursing I would just research colleges near you and look at their programs that have to deal with health sciences. That way you are still doing things in the health field. I also have heard of people getting their phlebotomy certificate and getting jobs at clinics and they move up from there. If you have anymore questions you can just email me at [email protected]

Just ordered all required books off of amazon except for the medsurg book. Very excited for them to get here :)

I have all of the books in my cart but I haven't paid yet $580 through amazon is still a bit high. I think I will take a few out and wait to see what we will use. I did pay for my background check set up a dr. apt and signed up for the Cpr class today though. It feels a little better getting some of this list done. I am going to the one on the 12th of December.

Is anyone else taking the CPR class on Saturday the 10th?

asmorris. I only put 2 of the recommended in my cart and the lippincott nclex review with the required and it came to be like $534. try to get the cheapest book listed new or in good condition

Megan, I have the cheapest listed for some but the ones w/cd I went with ones that are still shrink wrapped. I will probably wait on those to find out if we will actually use the software. If we don't I will buy the cheapest but I got stuck buying 2 Biology books before because of the access codes being used previously.

ok, guys.. i just talked to my friend in the nursing program and she told me the books that i will actually need.. she said all the rest, she either didn't buy or she never even opened once. i trust her too because she is making all as!

wong's essentials pediatric nurs (w/cd), [color=#999999]hockenberryisbn [color=#999999]032305353xcopyright 09publisher mosbyedition 8binding hardback

cyclopedic medical dictionary (indexed)(w/cd), [color=#999999]taberisbn [color=#999999]0803615590copyright 09publisher davisedition 21binding hardback

nutrition & diet therapy, [color=#999999]lutzisbn [color=#999999]0803622023copyright 11publisher davisedition 5binding paperback

fundamentals of nursing (w/cd -145), [color=#999999]taylorisbn [color=#999999]0781793831copyright 11publisher lippedition 7binding hardback

fundamentals of nursing skill checklists, [color=#999999]taylorisbn [color=#999999]0781793858copyright 11publisher lippedition 7binding paperback

nurses' quick ref to common lab & diagnostic tests, [color=#999999]fischbachisbn [color=#999999]0781796164copyright 10publisher lippedition 5binding paperback

saunders student nurse planner, 2011-2012, [color=#999999]dewitisbn [color=#999999]1437727808copyright 11publisher saundersedition 7binding spiral

nurse's pocket guide, [color=#999999]doengesisbn [color=#999999]0803622341copyright 10publisher davisedition 12binding paperback

focus on nursing pharmacology (w/cd), [color=#999999]karchisbn [color=#999999]0781789826copyright 11publisher lippedition 5binding paperback

clinical calculations made easy, [color=#999999]craigisbn [color=#999999]1608317900copyright 12publisher lippedition 5binding paperback

she said we will use the fundamentals book a lot and that is the one we need to start reading asap. she said we get assigned like 15 chapters to read by the first day of class.

hope that helps everyone!

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