Published Jul 15, 2011
180 Posts
Okay so lets be optimistic and happy!! :) Nursing as a career is tough but it is worthwhile! :) However, we are all trained or are currently training to be nurses :)
What were your favourite things about nursing school? Any great moments from your training days?
Im a student studying for my BSN straight out of high school and I know sometimes the workload does get a little heavy but I honestly don't think its thaaaaat tough! In fact I think its great fun :) I love nursing school because I've made GREAT friends. I love our class parties too:rolleyes:!! I love clinical skills classes and the teachers are just great and soo enthusiastic!!! My greatest moment ( so far ) was when I gave my first sub cut injection.....I was grinning from ear to ear all day after that! was soo nervous before I gave my first injection because it was the one fear I had about being a nurse...then when I did i and the RN told me I was a great girl and did a great job well, lets just say I was as proud of myself! Told all my friends and rang my mom that evening!! Sometimes I think we tend to get swamped by all the negatives that we forget to remember all the good things we do and all the fun times we have had, maybe this post will make you think back and remember some good times :) :)
AgentBeast, MSN, RN
1,974 Posts
For me it's not so much the "skills" stuff it's the interacting with patients. It's nice when a patient thanks you for the care you provide, or when you can do something that directly impacts the patients stay. Patients for the most part don't really care about their insulin injections (well they do, but. . . ) they care more about getting a cup of ice, or some lip balm when their lips are dry an an oral sponge and a little water when their mouth is dry and they are NPO. The small **** often makes a bigger impact than some of the "larger" things we do.
91 Posts
I hope this post gets more replies! I'll be starting my prereqs hopefully in Spring '12. It would be great to read some GOOD stuff... there is so much negativity that it can get you discouraged. Thanks OP for this post!
No Stars In My Eyes
5,226 Posts
When I was in nursing school and we first started studying the systems of the body, separately, the teacher told us to not worry if, at first, things didn't always make sense because at some point we would see how things meshed together and how each system worked with the others. That happened for me when we began studying the kidneys; it was difficult to understand what happened, how the kidneys worked to produce urine. But the day before the exam, I had an epipheny and ran to the smaller classroom used for group study sessions. I grabbed up the box of colored chalks and began drawing a cross section of a kidney on the blackboard There were several of my classmates there who got a kick out of how excited I was while explaining as I drew on the board. Later two of the students told me that they thought about that when they took the test, and answered the test questions correctly. I was pretty proud ( and not just a little relieved that I "got it" in time to do well on the test, too!)
143 Posts
Nursing School was great. I loved learning, althoiugh I remember feeling totally overwhelmed at times but a glad I stuck it out. I tell my pts frequently that I am living proof God has a sense of humour. When I was in Nsg School the only anatomy class I cut was the class on the kidney. I woke up that morning and figured "I'll never need that" and went back to bed. Well, 24 years later, I have worked in Nephrology for my entire career. It is like God said "You're going to learn this stuff anyway". When I tell my patients that they almost always get a good laugh at my expense, and I don't mind that a bit. I was always intrigued by the medical stiff so am so glad that I chose nursing. I loved clinical rotations best and my instructors were great (except the one who told me I'd never be a renal nurse--I got the last laugh on that one!) Would I go back to Nsg School? Maybe, if I were 20 years younger.... Best job in the world!
131 Posts
When u learn theory and u practice it at clinical for me when I checked for positive placement for a peg tube and I heard the are in the luq I was so excited that it started to finally to come together