Good nursing schools in ga

U.S.A. Georgia


Does anybody knows if columbus state university has a good nursing school...i have heard that you have greater chance of getting paid more and getting a job faster after graduating from a good nursing school that is well this true and if so is columbus nursing school a good school?

Does anybody know..please help me out!!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Georgia state forum where hopefully you will get some answers

Specializes in Family Med, Mental Health, Public Health.

Hello, being that I live in Columbus, I can say that CSU is a very good school! It is also competitive, from what I hear. I am from Columbus, but I chose to go a different route and went to another nursing school away from home. I hear nothing but good things about the program, they have a high NCLEX pass rate, etc. I have co workers who went there, though. Have you applied yet? I hear getting in is sometimes no easy feat; GPA counts for a lot in your pre reqs, you have to take the NET test I think it is as well. They always have a waiting list too!

Specializes in Family Med, Mental Health, Public Health.

Oh, and as far as what school you went to and how that factors into getting a job, that I am not so sure of. What matter is that you can or cant pass the NCLEX, and get "RN" after your name. I know people who went to prestigous universities as well as lesser known ones and are new grads STILL struggling to get jobs. Honestly, I dont think it matters THAT much but you never know!

Thank you all so much..i have not applied yet...I am in a process of looking into different schools and applying.I currently attend Clayton state which also have a good nursing school too...but however i was advised to apply to so many nursing schools as much as possible eventhough i have a good gpa...i'm taking my net test this fall and hopefully i have a really high score to increase my chances.I have heard so many things about nursing schools which really makes me scared that eventhough i have a good gpa and test score i might still not get accepted...but this is what i really want to do so i dont mind moving away from home and go to another school away from atlanta

Specializes in Community Health, HIV/AIDS, Outpatient,.

Hey Ameila, I attend CSU and was accepted in the nursing program for this fall 2009. i think its a great school especially the dorms.

Hey that's great..i have heard wonderful things about the u know like the gpa required to get in and also the teas scores if u don' mind sharing it with me..i will love to still attend clayton for the nursing program ...oh yeah i have heard alot about the dorms..but i stay in the apts called clayton place close to the school...

Specializes in Community Health, HIV/AIDS, Outpatient,.

Hey again I also applied to Clayton and was accepted, I didn't accept the acceptance because it was just a back up if I didn't get into my school's nursing program. I also didn't like that we had to pay for application but its okay I guess.. I have heard from my advisors that clayton nursing is a fairly nre program with good nclex rates, that'svery important when applying for nursing school. Columbu state nclex has never been below 95. I also applied to Kennesaw but didn't get in there.. My GPA is a 3.5 and I received a 86.28 on TEAS. Also I had great reccomendations any other questions feel free to ask! Oh and What is your gpa like?

Oh ok my gpa is not that high like u i have a 3.2..and i am taking the teas in september

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