Golden West College Spring 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all! I am applying to GWC for the Spring 2019 semester and wanted to start a thread. Please feel free to share any questions or experiences you've had during your application process. I know the deadline to submit applications is next Friday 6/29, so Good luck to everyone!

Where are you located ? Around the area? Did anyone get notified ?
I live like 1.5 miles away from the school

Good luck guys!

Just opened the letter, I got placed into the alternate pool :(

My letter just came & I got accepted!! Whooo hooo! 8-))

My letter just came & I got accepted!! Whooo hooo! 8-))

How many points did you have ?

You had 73 points right? I had 71 if I calculated correctly. Guess I didn't get in 😞😞

Just opened the letter, I got placed into the alternate pool :(

You had 73 points right? I had 71 if I calculated correctly. Guess I didn't get in 😞😞 guess alternate and acceptance are coming out first

How many points did you have ?

I had 83 points:

9 pts - Required Prerequisites

35 pts - Anatomy/Physiology/Microbiology

25 pts - TEAS (84.7%)

4 pts - AS degree

5 pts - COPE volunteer hours

3 pts - Life experience

2 pts - Language (Spanish)

Don't give up hope a bunch of people in our class were alternates.

You had 73 points right? I had 71 if I calculated correctly. Guess I didn't get in guess alternate and acceptance are coming out first

As I read past posts from other application periods I saw many got in or went into the alt pool with scores in the high 60s. Some people will even decline their spot. Keep positive thoughts! Good luck ladies!

Don't give up hope a bunch of people in our class were alternates.

Were there any from the alternate pool?

Did anyone else get anything in mail yesturday?

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