Going to RN program at age 40--crazy?

Nurses General Nursing


Am I too old for this? Already have a Bachelor's degree in another field but looking for some job security for the future, and like the idea of helping people.

I. Love. These. Threads. They are so encouraging.

I am 43 and in my first semester of my ADN program. I am loving it! The younger students don't treat me a bit differently and there are plenty of "non-traditional" students to make me a little less conspicuous (although I am the oldest woman in the program!).

An instructor told me that my age and maturity are an asset and she could see it in our practice labs.

Go for it! Nursing school is so incredibly difficult but the best thing I've ever done.

I agree with the above post! My mom actually started nursing school at 45 and graduated at 50 with her ADN! (She had to take a little longer b/c she was still raising my brother and I). But she ALWAYS knew she wanted to be a nurse...since she was a little girl....and she FINALLY did it! I am soo grateful she did too, b/c it's been an enormous load off of her when it comes to "job security." (her and my dad unfortunately divorced later on after she had been working as a RN for awhile, and she's been able to support herself, which she could not have done in the bay area if she had not gone back to school). So I think it's great that you have "gone back" to school!!! Good luck to you!!

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.

I did it. You can too. Well, I was nearly 38, but I'm 40 now and will graduate in May 09.

Specializes in ED.

YAY!!! 40+ women are totally hot!! You are never too old to learn. After 15 years, I decided to go back and finish my BS degree. I have 2 children in college and one in high school. We will all be graduating around the same time and I look forward to a big family graduation party!! Interestingly, I have an aunt who went back to law school at the age of 46. My grandmother got her GED at age 70 and then when back to community college to take several courses. You are never too old!! Besides, women in their 40's rock!

Specializes in Med-surg, homehealth, and hospice.

You arenever to old at least that is what I am being told now. I am in my late 50's and going back to school to get my masters' in education. the job I recently accepted is a clinical nurse expert and it requires a master's degree. I got my AA when my son's were teenagers and got my BSN about 10 years later. Now here it is 6 years later and I am going to school again. I saw a billboard in our town of a woman who was 95 and got her degree. I figured is she could so could I. So if you're crazy I guess that we both are. I have 3 years to complete it and I am pretty sure it will take at least that long since I am working as well.

So I say go for it.


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