GMU Traditional 2017

U.S.A. Virginia



I decided to make this post for anyone who has applied to George Mason's Traditional Nursing Program 2017. What did you think of the application process? Essay? Video?

And I can't wait until April!

Yeah it should have transfered as a Lit elective


I'm excited its almost April and our wait is coming to an end. I really liked the essay, but found the video more difficult. I thought the application process was very detailed but I wasn't surprised by anything during it. I am a mason student and have not heard anything in regards to them preferring non-transfers, so I wouldn't be worried about that. I did about average on the Hesi based on what i've been hearing from others (82%) and my poorest was on anatomy. My GPA for cumulative and pre-req is a 3.5. I'm in the honors college, but i don't think that gives preference in any way. Talking to my advisor, the HESI does not seem to have as much of an impact as other parts of the application. I think they care most about the strength of your video and essay in the application.

Hi smc26448,

were you able to get it time stamped for Sunday? I was told to have it at the post office by Saturday, as the postal service is closed Sunday and won't be able to time stamp till the Monday after.


I just got my acceptance letter! check your emails!!


I just got my acceptance letter! check your emails!!

I got mine too!!!! Congratulations!

Congratulations!! I am so excitedd, I can finally stop checking my email every minute.

I want to accept and pay my mason enrollment fee now, but I still have questions regarding their accredition. I will try to speak with them tomorrow. Do you know anything about it?

I think they might be good. The pass rate is at a 91%, with 137 people taking it.

I got accepted as well! I'm so surprised! I didn't think I did too well on the HESI and got a C is stats that I thought eliminated my chances for sure. Congrats everyone. I'm so happy!

congrats everyone!!!! i also got in!! the accreditation of the school is good to go. is the enrollment fee for transfers only? because i already paid an enrollment fee for mason my freshman year.

Yes. I asked, because I've already paid an enrollment fee too since I started at Mason last semester. She said in a few days we will here back from them and they will tell us what we should do. But we don't have to pay the enrollment fee. Congratulations!!

I'm a bit concerned. I'm currently in a microbio course with a professor who is not very understanding. I ended uup going to the testing center for one of my exams after it was closed because I was unaware that they were closed early during spring break. She is not allowing me to take the test so I have a zero grade on one exam which brought my grade down to a 68%. I'm worried that If I don't get basically a perfect grade on the last exam, I won't bring the grade up to a C which would cause me to lose my spot in the program since they only accept C or better in pre reqs. I've had all A's and a couple B's so far. Besides studying as much as possible prior to the last exam, What should I do? I'd hate to have to reapply next year. The teacher isn't really understanding. Should I try to set up a meeting with her? I've worked so hard to get here :(

Hey everyone,

Just curious...This is kind of personal, so I understand if you prefer not to share but are you guys planning on working through nursing school and if so would you work part-time or full-time? If not, do you have help from family (financially), or plan on taking out loans? I'm a bit concerned about what my financial situation is going to be during nursing school, and do want some kind of income but not at the expense of my education. It'll all be worth it in the end!

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