I've seen alot of postings on the duties of 11-7 shift including getting residents washed, dressed and oob for breakfast. Just curious on a few this a routine thing? Is this only for residents that are already awake and wanting this? What is your staffing ratio? How do you get around this with the state?
Do you notice any increase in behaviors, etc?
In my facility..48 beds on 11-7 nights has one nurse and 2CNAs. These numbers never change. On occasion they will get a few residents washed and dressed if they have early appts or dialysis or they are already awake and trying to get oop. In years past they tried having nights get 1-2 res up off of each assignment for days. Never really went over well. We noted lots more behaviors, skin issues, residents would sleep all day and more complaints. The state also frowned on this. Of course we still have a nice sized 6 or 7 a med pass that some nurses will start at 5 am! BTW, breakfast isn't until 7:30 or 8 am.