Getting a Nursing license in Georgia from Canada

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Hi Guys,

I am a Canadian RN planning to move to Atlanta next year. Can anybody please give me some information on how to get licensed in Georgia as a Canadian RN. Is there any special requirements that i have to meet? The site was a little confusing and i couldn't get any clear information.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

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Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Have you looked at the GA BoN website for licensing by examination as an internationally educated nurse ?

Start here:

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

Apply to the GA BON for a license. You will have to pass the NCLEX and get a work visa.

Thank you i will

Specializes in ICU, NICU.


I am also hoping to move to Atlanta next year. Where are you in the process? Any feedback? I am kind of stuck at the application process as the board is asking about US citizenship.

We might be able to help eachother. Let me know.

Hi Guys,

I am a Canadian RN planning to move to Atlanta next year. Can anybody please give me some information on how to get licensed in Georgia as a Canadian RN. Is there any special requirements that i have to meet? The site was a little confusing and i couldn't get any clear information.

Specializes in Labour and delivery.

Hi I am also on the same boat wondering if anyone has figured it out.

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