Getting along with coworkers

Nurses Relations


I had a problem with a nurse coworker. This coworker clearly has psychiatric issues and when she does not take her meds she is loud, obnoxious, rude, and annoying. I was training a new nurse and she kept interrupting and my patience ran thin. Long story short we both got hauled into the NM office because she walked in and asked how things were going and I had a disgusted look on my face. I was told I need to communicate to this nurse when I am too busy to help her. The nurse manager said my coworker was super sensitive and I have a strong personality? Don't know what strong personality means? By now this coworker is sobbing and I feel like a mean old ogre. I hugged her and told her I was not out to get her and she said it was her anxiety issues. I am trying to keep my distance from her, don't want to hurt her but don't want to be annoyed to death. I will keep trying, I am a work in progress. I must admit I don't always play nice in the sandbox, but I'm trying to play nice in the sandbox. Working with this nurse is a challenge but if I can learn to not lose my patience I will definitely be a better nurse and person.

But I have to really listen to what is being said, try to filter out the nonsense to find the truth. I am so far from being perfect, and need to admit it when I'm wrong. But I also need to act as professionally as possible with this co-worker so as not to step on anyone's toes...God what a balancing act.

Does she lie often? I know of a nurse that is a pathological liar, and I do not know how anyone can work with her as a result.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

I wouldn't want to be in the OPs shoes.

The sandbox reference made me think of kids, which made me think of a peculiar ...I don't know what to call it.

Two kids playing. One kid needles and pokes and throws sand when the adult's not looking. The other kid complains. And complains. And complains. Who gets in trouble? Who is called a whiner? Which kid do adults want to avoid?

My answer would be the kid who tried to play nice and did nothing wrong.

Avoid when possible.

Sometimes the weak link is the biggest bully.

Had another situation with this troublesome coworker. A client said to me that I have the reputation of being the toughest nurse to get by, in other words, if you are impaired and come to my dosing window I will deny your dose. This client said, "That is a compliment, you are doing your job.". But the fact that he said the clients were a little afraid of me upset me. I was discussing this with my NM and she said, "you took my job, that is what they used to say about me." Well, the co-worker that I don't get along with pipes up and says, "Oh yeah, the clients say that blond nurse with the glasses who never smiles is mean." This comment upset me as well, I replied, "Like in the movie Gone with the Wind, Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" Well I was upset by these comments, I really try to be nice to everyone, so this coworker who just made the comment, comes over and rubs my back and says, "I didn't mean to upset you." I said, "you didn't upset me, I don't care." So when it was time for break, now she wants me to help her do the narcotic count and I said, "No, that is ok, Derek another coworker can help you do the count. I said, "I'm going to take my mean blonde ****** self out of this dispensary and go on break". I realize not everyone is going to like you, clients included. It was the fact that this coworker was taking pleasure in my pain that bothered me. I truly don't want any trouble with anyone. This coworker earlier in the day asked for my help and I tried to help her. The minute I started showing her how to do something she was telling me I was wrong. I backed away from her and said, "Call the NM for help if you need it." I am not engaging with her, I will walk away and I'm documenting all these incidents. I will keep trying to deal with coworker in an appropriate manner, it is clear to me I have some growing to do. I also need to learn how to deal with difficult people in an appropriate manner. Yes, I have definite room for improvement in getting along with coworkers.

Never heard of the Crusty Old Bat Society but the name tickles my fancy, feel like I should probably belong to that society...:) Most of my coworkers are a lot younger than me, and don't even know what I am talking about because they were born in the 70's , 80's. I am becoming a dinosaur but you are as young as you feel and I have the spirit of an 18 year old. Old Abe was right, you are as happy as you decide to be...:)

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