Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

U.S.A. Georgia


Hopefully, we are getting close to hearing something. I wanted to start a new thread and see if anyone wanted to play the waiting game for fall ADN Program. We've been waiting since April 1st and it's about time we heard something.:anbd:

I am helping a friend move on wednesday I wont be able to come to dinner :( and yes, overwhelmed is not even a good word, I need something stronger! Ah, Ok well I think we have to put things into perspective, we are going to have some lectures, and be taught a lot of the info. If we were expected to know everything in the book then we could just become a nurse through our book and teachers would not be needed! that would be awful, but my point is, dont stresss to hang onto every word. Generally know what they are talking about esp in 33. 32 is easier to comprehend and such and we should be just fine there. I have also be working though the study guide that came with the fund book. Its helpful in pointing out important parts. I would just assume not to worry about the videos except for what you have in your hand at home. They should go over that during the morning orientation. At least I am hopeful. Anyway, just do what you can....we will all get through this and get in a rhythm soon! :D

Thanks Kaylan for the positive reinforcement!!! I needed it!!!!

I cant find the vital signs module on the CD?? Can anyone help??

Its on the first orange CD and it says basic skills...the mosby pack. Its towards the end of the list of things on there.

Thank You!! I was trying to use the one at the end of the book....silly me :)

On the last activity where is says VIEW: Physical Assessment Head and Neck (Y87)...etc... What DVD is that on?? confused???

Kristen, I'm trying to figure out these videos too. It is confusing about where they are.

I had ordered the assessment video for $3 off amazon (7ish with s&h) and it came in today and was actually the right one. I just thought I would share because I know someone else had ordered it and it got canceled. I have all the dvd's if anyone else needs to see them, and I also would like to get together on the short days and study.

I will be getting off work at Kennestone at 4:30 tomorrow if anyone wants to get together around then or if anyone wants to meet up in the morning before class if they don't have the video. I think the main thing we need to be concerned about for wednesday is the skills lab vital sign info. After wednesday we will know more about what to study for the actual test and for class. Reading the books is to help us follow the lectures and reinforce the info. We are all going to be wonderful successful nurses but not if we give ourselves a stroke before classes start. We are all going to be okay.

Yeah.. I havent gotten the other mosby dvd yet. Hobo.. i may be harassing you about it. i wonder if i can burn it...??

hobo-what DVD's are you referring too???

The mosbys came with the package I ordered originally. The one I got today was the assessment dvd, not the one that came in the assessment book it's a completely different one. It's one that was on display at orientation.

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