Georgetown FNP May 2018 cohort

Nursing Students NP Students


I just found out I was accepted to Georgetown University for their online FNP program starting May 2018. Is there anyone else out there that will be in this class??

Juvy100 - did you get accepted? I got my acceptance email on Friday.

Have you heard back yet?

Juvy100 - did you get accepted? I got my acceptance email on Friday.

How long did it take you to hear back. I applied for the September and I am waiting and checking my email frequently. haha

I think my application went to review the Friday before Easter or the Monday after. If so, that was 3 weeks. Hope you get great news soon!1

My application went to review not this past Friday, but the one before. So I am looking at another week and a half. I hope I get accepted, I thought I did well in my interview and had some strong references. But, congratulations! I hope to call you a classmate soon!

I hope you get great news soon! Please keep me posted. It would be great to already know a classmate! Good luck!

Hi everyone,

I was accepted into the FNP for the September cohort. I got my acceptance March 5th. I applied February 9th so it took almost a month. Best of luck everyone!


Congratulations!!! That is awesome and I am so happy for you! I start in a few days. The precoursework really Seema to get you set up for the first week. This seems to be manageable so far! Good luck!


How soon did you get the pre-work?

I'm so excited but now trying to figure out how to best pay for it.

Also, do you know if there are any breaks between terms that are long enough for a vacation? Hubby and I love to travel and we're looking ahead to see if we'd be able to get away any for the next couple of years. Maybe not?

I can't wait to hear more about your experience.


Congratulations!!! That is awesome and I am so happy for you! I start in a few days. The precoursework really Seema to get you set up for the first week. This seems to be manageable so far! Good luck!

Please let us know how it goes! I've heard mixed thinggs about the courses and I still don't know how I feel about taking advance health assessment online.....that should be an in person course


So, I received my pre-course work right away after I was admitted to the program. It was a lot maybe 25 hours worth of stuff. I was given access to my classes two weeks ago. After spending many, many hours studying (about 5-6 days of 10 hours a day) on the material for patho, I realized there was a whole section of about 100 pages of additional work (case studies and knowledge check questions) that had to be completed. This is a flipped classroom model so you are expected to teach yourself and then go into class and answer questions and work on case studies to prove that you know the material. 50% of your participation grade is based on whether or not you know the answers to these knowledge check questions. This was not made clear to me initially. This scared the daylights out of me as I am only used to traditional model classrooms. I was frantic trying to figure out how to synthesize the additional information in one day and how I was going to study for my other class...My husband said he has never seen me so upset. I called the school and withdrew and I am now in search of a traditional online platform that does not use the flipped model style. I cannot imagine paying the exorbitant price of GU to teach myself. I understand that a lot of school is teaching yourself but this was too much. Good luck if you decide to go to GU. They have a 100% pass rate but I wonder what their attrition rate is.

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