Single mom in nursing school...

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Just curious if there are any single mothers going through nursing school willing to give me tips and advice?? I will be starting NS in January14 and I am finding myself a little scared and nervous as to how his is all gonna work out. I'm going to have to get loans to live off of because I do not want to work. I really want to focus on school. I'm also curious as to how to get my kids to school in the morning. I do not have close relatives to help. I am pretty good at figuring things out because I have no choice but I would appreciate advice and suggestions to what has worked for you. Thanks!

If God brought us to this (nursing school) God will get us through this (nursing school) lets please keep in contact so we can share tipsadvice, etc[/quote']


I am a single mom and it's a everyday struggle. Trying to balance school work and a small child. I have no support emotionally or financially I don't have living parents or a husband. I am the only one in my class who doesn't. Through the grace of God I have made it to the third semester. I try to focus on whats in front of me not whats to come because I can deal with that another day. There are plenty of days I cry because I am stressed out with issues, but God always get me through. I tell myself when I make it to the end of nursing school I can look back and say I made it through all the obstacles that I faced. Stay positive and let your child be your motivation. Good luck to all nursing students who are single moms because we CAN and WILL become a nurse!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote']

I have days like that as well, you are not alone. Thank you for sharing and stay in touch!

Wow this is an inspiring thread!!!! I am a single mom of twin 4 yr old girls..I will hopefulllly by Gods Grace starting the LPN program in September...thankfully my ex husband and his mom are still very involved in my kids lives so there is support there as well as my cousin and friends... my brothers though in diff states are helping me to pitch in a bit with my rent and I am looking for a job that will be just enough so I can manage with my kids.

I know it will be tough and I won't spend as much time as I like with my kids now but I know in the long run it will be worth it...I plan to continue on to my RN stat. I wanted to go straight for RN but the waiting lists and pre reqs will take me a 1-1 1/2 years long. Hoping on financial aid and Gods good grace..I am working now at a temp job not sure how much longer but plan to save as I can.

I have my ATI test next week and nervoussssssssssssss. Depending on how that goes I will be starting the September Semester by Gods Grace! BEST LUCK to all my fellow singles moms here I KNOW WE WILL DO IT!

Good luck!!

Call the local daycares in your area and ask if they have a before school program for school aged children. My daughter's preschool has a before and after program for kids up to 13 years. The children get on and off the school bus at the daycare.

Check with the YMCA. Ours has a great after school program not sure about before school though. And it is income based.

Also check your child's school. The elementary schools here have a before and after program where during the morning the kids eat breakfast and have recreation and the afternoons they have a snack, recreation time, and homework help.

Hope this helps! Good luck and congratulations! I'm a single mommy in school also. I thank God for the help I have from my mom and my daughter's preschool.

Call the local daycares in your area and ask if they have a before school program for school aged children. My daughter's preschool has a before and after program for kids up to 13 years. The children get on and off the school bus at the daycare.

Check with the YMCA. Ours has a great after school program not sure about before school though. And it is income based.

Also check your child's school. The elementary schools here have a before and after program where during the morning the kids eat breakfast and have recreation and the afternoons they have a snack, recreation time, and homework help.

Hope this helps! Good luck and congratulations! I'm a single mommy in school also. I thank God for the help I have from my mom and my daughter's preschool.

Thanks ill ck into that!

Yay for you!!! I hope you danced like crazy when you heard. :) I am not a single mom but I did want to give you a piece of advice. Support is the most important thing. I have a family that supports me in everything I do. My parents watch my kids so I can study. Between them, my siblings, and husband I have had someone to watch my kids so that I can make it to class everyday. If you can sit down with those closest to you and talk to them about helping you out and let them know they will be very important in getting you through school. Good Luck and God Bless!

Specializes in Informatics, Orthopaedics.

Well I'm a single dad, but I assume my advice will have some worth too :-)

I don't see where you mention the ages of your kids, which makes a big difference in what you might do. In general, my advice is to beg, borrow, steal whatever child care you can get. I live off my student loans as well, but I also sold absolutely everything I own to stretch that out. I also turned off and/or shaved off as much monthly bills as I could. Amazingly I went from $1800+ a month to $1250 a month, and I don't even notice the difference (amazing how much money we p**s away).

And while there is an inexplicable stigma attached to this, GET FOOD STAMPS AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE! The whole point of the assistance is to help people that are trying to lift themselves up. As soon as I told the lady I had 2 teenagers, I was single, and I was in nursing school, she immediately approved me. Your mileage may vary in your state (I'm in Iowa). As far as the stigma goes: I paid taxes for 25 years, I served in the Army for 8 years (part during Desert Storm), and I'm not a chronic welfare seeker abusing the system. I earned it, I need it, I'm using it, period. No shame. That saved me another $600 off my monthly expenses. If people give you crap about it, try to remember it's temporary, you don't need to justify yourself to anyone, and when you finish you will be making buku $ and paying more taxes which pays back what you used. Win win.

Lastly, don't sweat the small stuff. Whether or not you pay a bill on time is not going to make your life end any sooner. But the stress you will waste on worrying about it probably will. Besides, things always have a way of working out.

And before I go, I would like to pass on the Holstee Manifesto...this literally changed my life. It is what got me to wake up, quit my job, end my horribly evil farce of a marriage, and sign up for nursing school:

This is your LIFE.

Do what you love, and do it often.

If you don’t like something, change it.

If you don’t like your job, quit.

If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.

If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.

Stop over-analyzing, life is simple.

All emotions are beautiful.

When you eat, appreciate every last bite.

Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.

Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.

TRAVEL OFTEN; getting lost will help you find yourself.

Some opportunities come only once; seize them.

Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.


Live your dream and share your passion.

Simple, but oh so right. Good luck!

Well I'm a single dad, but I assume my advice will have some worth too :-)

I don't see where you mention the ages of your kids, which makes a big difference in what you might do. In general, my advice is to beg, borrow, steal whatever child care you can get. I live off my student loans as well, but I also sold absolutely everything I own to stretch that out. I also turned off and/or shaved off as much monthly bills as I could. Amazingly I went from $1800+ a month to $1250 a month, and I don't even notice the difference (amazing how much money we p**s away).

And while there is an inexplicable stigma attached to this, GET FOOD STAMPS AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE! The whole point of the assistance is to help people that are trying to lift themselves up. As soon as I told the lady I had 2 teenagers, I was single, and I was in nursing school, she immediately approved me. Your mileage may vary in your state (I'm in Iowa). As far as the stigma goes: I paid taxes for 25 years, I served in the Army for 8 years (part during Desert Storm), and I'm not a chronic welfare seeker abusing the system. I earned it, I need it, I'm using it, period. No shame. That saved me another $600 off my monthly expenses. If people give you crap about it, try to remember it's temporary, you don't need to justify yourself to anyone, and when you finish you will be making buku $ and paying more taxes which pays back what you used. Win win.

Lastly, don't sweat the small stuff. Whether or not you pay a bill on time is not going to make your life end any sooner. But the stress you will waste on worrying about it probably will. Besides, things always have a way of working out.

And before I go, I would like to pass on the Holstee Manifesto...this literally changed my life. It is what got me to wake up, quit my job, end my horribly evil farce of a marriage, and sign up for nursing school:

This is your LIFE.

Do what you love, and do it often.

If you don’t like something, change it.

If you don’t like your job, quit.

If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.

If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.

Stop over-analyzing, life is simple.

All emotions are beautiful.

When you eat, appreciate every last bite.

Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.

Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.

TRAVEL OFTEN; getting lost will help you find yourself.

Some opportunities come only once; seize them.

Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.


Live your dream and share your passion.

Simple, but oh so right. Good luck!

Thanks :)

I am not a single mom. I just want to tell you all, that you guys rock and I wish you the best of luck!

In my program we have a few single moms. They actually have a "club", if you will. There are about 6 of them and they all help each other. 2-3 days a week 3 will get together and the other 3 will have an activities day with all of the children ( 9 i believe). Leaving the 3 with 4-6 hours of uninterrupted study time. They switch off. Even a couple of the other moms will offer to take some of the kids for a few hours, so mamas can study or work. Most of the people use a before/after school program, or have a student (HS/college) come in the morning when they leave to feed them, get them on the bus etc. Also please try to take advantage of government loans before private. My sister lived on private loans through most of her bachelors (science/psych). That cost her about an extra 15k and its probably up to 20k with interest now.

I am not a single mom. I just want to tell you all, that you guys rock and I wish you the best of luck!

In my program we have a few single moms. They actually have a "club", if you will. There are about 6 of them and they all help each other. 2-3 days a week 3 will get together and the other 3 will have an activities day with all of the children ( 9 i believe). Leaving the 3 with 4-6 hours of uninterrupted study time. They switch off. Even a couple of the other moms will offer to take some of the kids for a few hours, so mamas can study or work. Most of the people use a before/after school program, or have a student (HS/college) come in the morning when they leave to feed them, get them on the bus etc. Also please try to take advantage of government loans before private. My sister lived on private loans through most of her bachelors (science/psych). That cost her about an extra 15k and its probably up to 20k with interest now.

It has been hard looking up loans because there is so many scams and I keep getting spam mail.. Can you recommend a website? Also thanks for HS student helping in morning. I will have to ck into that.


The best government loans will usually be what you are offered from your FAFSA results. For private loans Sallie Mae or Great Lakes are popular. Check out any grants or scholarships you might qualify for, being a single mom might qualify you for some. You can do this online. Easiest and best would probably be to go to your schools financial aid office.

The best government loans will usually be what you are offered from your FAFSA results. For private loans Sallie Mae or Great Lakes are popular. Check out any grants or scholarships you might qualify for being a single mom might qualify you for some. You can do this online. Easiest and best would probably be to go to your schools financial aid office.[/quote']

Thanks for the tips.. I will try and talk to financial aid office again but the last lady jut handed me a book and sent me on my way lol I don't think I have ever seen any loan offers from fafsa but ill ck it out!

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