help with pharm question please/thank you

Nursing Students General Students


The order is for 0.1 g subcutaneous. The label says that the vial contains 500mg of dry powder. Which dilution is most appropriate?

Dilute with 2.3 ml for a concentration of 200 mg/ml

Dilute with 5.8 ml for a concentration of 500 mg / 6ml

Dilute with 9.8 ml for a concentration of 200 mg/ 4ml

a. The nurse should dilute with _____________________ ml.

b. How many ml will the nurse give the patient_________________ml

the 200mg/ml because 1ml is the max administration for an adult male subcutaneous. the first concentration is 0.5 ml which is below the range, the second concentration is too high because of the equation i just posted which equaled to 1.2ml which is already above the max concentration allowed subcutaneously

Exactly. To answer the first question, how many mL od diluent do you need to reconstitute with to provide thus concentration?

you would need 2.3ml of diluent and you would administer 0.5 ml to the patient

you would need 2.3ml of diluent and you would administer 0.5 ml to the patient

Yes, and yes.

Good job.

thank you so much!!!!!!

Just jumping in here ....

chare thank you! It's help like this that is invaluable to students (like myself)...! :yeah:

Specializes in ED, PACU, CM.

Accidental post.

Specializes in ED, PACU, CM.

Chare, it's so nice to see nurses taking time to help students figure things out. Awesome work!

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