Where have all the nurses gone?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Where do you think nurses have gone?

    • 4
      Aging nursing population
    • 0
      Moved to Management position
    • 9
      Chose new career field
    • 1
      Became a new parent
    • 7
      Left for better paying job in different field
    • 3
      Left due to less bedside time with clients
    • 1
      Left because of ever increasing paper work
    • 47
      Burned out
    • 1
      Loss of autonomy
    • 3
      Increasing constraints

76 members have participated

Where have all the nurses gone?

Nursing has changed drastically over the past 30 years. A time came when nurses were actively encouraged to return to college and earn their BSN. Not too much later they were encouraged to return once again and earn their MSN. I ask you, to what end? Well, the fact of the matter is, institutions are not willing to pay nurses for their educational experiences and most of the nurses that did and are returning to college to earn higher degrees in the nursing field are no longer desiring to do bedside nursing. These nurses are applying for and being hired to fill non-bedside nursing positions, such as managers, clinical instructors, patient education positions, orientation class instructors, nursing research fields and the list goes on and on.

Why do these nurses want to leave bedside nursing? For one thing, bedside nursing is not what it used to be. There was a time when the public appreciated the people taking care of them in a hospital or emergency situation. The public has become better educated as to health care. They read articles, they see special programs via television, and now they have access to just about any and all medical and healthcare field information databases via the internet and the world of the world wide web! This can be and in most instances is a good thing. But when the person reclining in the hospital bed, feels that he or she knows more than the nurse with all of his or her vast knowledge base and world of experience, there develops clashes of what is felt to be best for that person laying there in the bad. The patient thinks he or she knows what is best for him or her and refuses to get out of bed, accusing the nurse of being rude or wanting to inflict undue pain upon them. They are hurting and they know as long as they lie there and do not move, they will not hurt as much as they would if they moved and got up out of that bed and walked around. Gone are the days that a nurse can simply walk into a room, sit down and talk with a patient, explaining why it is important for them to get up and move about, and then expect the patient to comply. Patients now come to a facility thinking that they will be waited on hand and foot. They do not need to turn over and get that glass of water because the nurse will get it for them, hand it to them with a straw in it and hold it for them while they sip the straw. This scenario is true. It happens more often than we would like to think. The "What ever the patient wants" attitude has developed over the past few years in an attempt to attract more and more patients to different facilities. This can be a good thing but in most instances it has developed a new group of people who can be and often are, rude, harsh, short and curt if their wants, needs and desires are not met instantly.

Point of fact is that if you look at the various age groups of the hospital patient population and ask just about any nurse, he or she will tell you that the older person generally makes the better more compliant patient. Why is this? Well, our society has developed a generation or two of people who want and demand instant gratification. These people are not willing to be patient and wait even a few minutes for their wants or needs to be taken care of. Many nurses function on the premise that I had better do everything just the way the patient wants me to or he or she will write me up and report me to administration. No one in their right mind wants anything like that to happen. So what does happen? The reality is that most of us let that person remain there in bed, not moving, until he or she decides it is time to turn over, or cough, or deep breath, or get up out of bed and take a few steps by the bedside. Yes, we still attempt to verbalize and communicate to our patient population what we know is in the best interest of the patients health and what will get him or her well and home in a timely manner. We give the patient what he or she needs to hear, ask them what they would like to know more about, and attempt to find the right sources of information to fill these. Take the slipper issue...these are warm little disposable slippers. Some patients want and get not one but two or even three pairs of these charged to them at each hospital stay. They complain that their feet are cold and ask for the slippers. One trip to the toilet they become wet or soiled and they ask for another pair while they throw the first pair in the trash. Would they so quickly throw away a pair of their own socks?

There is a generation of people that are still gracious and congenial. These are most of our senior citizens. They are grateful and appreciative for the care and teaching they receive. They grew up in a different era, one where they earned what they wanted, nothing handed to them freely and without question. These people are a blessing to work with. They ask questions instead of demanding chores be done for them. They turn themselves in bed and they get up early in their hospital stay and ambulate because they know this is the one thing they can do for themselves that will help them get better and return home quicker. This is NOT a generation of instant gratification. This is a generation that knows the value of please and thank you, and has not lost touch with human feelings of consideration and respect.

Other issues to be addresses:

The so-called "capping off" of pay


Increase in technology and ever increasingly technical instruments and machines

Decrease in the so-called "whatever makes life easier for the nurse" attitude by administrations

The thought that "nurses and nursing staff are a dime a dozen". This had been verbalized out of the mouth of more than just a few hospital administrators! Does this make a person feel valued? Does this enhance a person's self-esteem and love of their work?

Changes and ever increasing demands of charting and documentation

What has happened to state nursing associations? Why are they not obviously actively recruiting and maintaining new members? Why is it so expensive to join one? What are they lobbying for in Congress that is so expensive? Should nurses be lobbying? What should nursing associations be doing? What should the yearly dues be? What part can each nurse do to improve the effectiveness of their individual nursing association? Why do not more nurses want to join a nursing association?

Increasing employer requirements of yearly nursing education classes that most nurses are expected to complete even if it takes them away from time with their families. Increasing CEU requirements of most state nursing licensures.

Why can Canadian nurses come and work in the States under different regulations than nurses already living here? Why is it so difficult to become licensed in more than one or two different states? Why is the nursing licensure process so different from state to state? What is being done to change this?

I picked burned out although I wanted to choose a few more. Personally, I think most of the nurses haven't left the profession, just the hospital bedside where they've been forced to care for too many. I'm in the hospital less and less these days and in the home more and more taking care of one patient at a time.

Specializes in OB, Telephone Triage, Chart Review/Code.

Can't answer either. Been there, done that, wrote the book, and got the T-shirt.

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.
The hospital lost and the nurses and other staff are paying for it.

WHY is it SO, that when hospitals make bad financial decisions that they ALWAYS try to make up for these financial losses by taking it out of the nurses' hides???????????

And, in the midst of it all, CEO's salaries keep on growing to ever new, obscene heights?

I left the bedside about a year ago (still do a little PRN). Mainly left because of stress and burnout, also got tired of all the nurse-eating, and utter lack of respect.

I voted for burned out, but think the other answers are all a symptom of burnout...ie.. they are all ways different nurses treat their S&S of burnout. I treated mine by quitting my full time job, and going agency. And now I love nursing again.

To quote Gilda...."never mind......" >sigh

Furball: Why, whatever are you talking about?

haha Fab!!!! You are a quick one...I just thought better of it and erased the bloody post. Can you tell I'm still irked? Hope you are well today. :)

From now on I will only express feel good, fluffy, la-de-dah, sing song posts.......Nursing is grrrreat! No problems here....I sound like a dysfunctional family. Sorry to hi-jack this thread with a negative 'tude.

I vote "burnt"

brrack! brrrack! Furball does the chicken dance....:roll

Sorry, I had to do it...


I could not answer your post r/t there not being a choice for why I am no longer nursing. I am unable to work r/t my health and it is not burned out or stress.

Brita01 what part of Mississippi are you from?

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