Terrorism threats

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Are we prepared for a CBN event in our local hospitals?

    • 1
      Triaging and treating mass casualties from a Chem-Bio-Nuc event
    • 5
      Do American nurses feel prepared for a mass casualty event from Chem-Bio-Nuc terror?

6 members have participated

I served for 8yrs as a Navy Nurse and left in 93. We rec'd extensive training in treating casualties due to chemical-Biological and Nuclear threats. Here is my question: are we really prepared in our hospitals for such a horrible event?! I would appreciate all of your honest feedback.


Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy Yall

from deep in the heart of Texas

Besides working staff at one hospital, I also work agency. Now the hospital Im at is feasibly prepared for these contigiencies, however I am aware that there are a lot of hospitals that are'nt.

doo wah ditty

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

The charge nurses recently had 18 hours of training and actually we recently had a chemical spill in our hospital which required moving several patients. I was working that night and the staff did wonderful. It helped that I had had the recent training.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

The charge nurses recently had 18 hours of training and actually we recently had a chemical spill in our hospital which required moving several patients. I was working that night and the staff did wonderful. It helped that I had had the recent training.

Thanks for your responses. I forgot to tell you that the "cool under pressure" attitude of nurses is what will make all the difference in such a horrid event. Not to mention the ability to assess, triage and delegate. The hands on is nearly impossible but the nurse will indeed be the one to do the overall assessment and the medical (doctors) team will readily respond to the guidance. That is how it was in the Navy and worked fine. But, nurses be ready...you will be the backbone of this (ready or not).

I don't believe either I or my hospital is prepared. We are working on it...

I'm not currently working in the hospital environment but I have wondered how ready we are for terrorist poisonings too...I can see it coming. :(

What a scary world we live in... makes me worry for my grandchildren.

We are undergoing training right now on how to handle these kinds of attacks. What worries me more though is that all of our preparation seems to be for recieving victims of an attack outside the hospital. No one seems to be preparing for an attack on the hospital itself. What if someone decided to take attack the health care system so that victims could not receive medical attention?

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