Shift change, ding, ding --Doc's here !.!.!

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Cardiology, Oncology, Medsurge.

I don't know how often it has occurred to me that as soon as I'm finished receiving report a Doctor is down my neck wanting to know about my patient (who I've not assessed or reviewed the chart for). Seems to me the Docs plan it this way to throw us all off and they love to interrupt report in general.

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.

I usually point out that it is change of shift and I haven't seen my patient yet. Then say, I can give you what I got in report, but cannot say much more. MOST docs I work with are reasonable people, the ones that aren't just make themselves miserable, lol.

I just say "sorry, I just got here and can't really tell you anything yet."

End of story.

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

How well I remember going through that senario, don't miss it one bit. 31 years was all I could take. What was so much more irritating to me was that family members would call in droves at 7:30 for an update. You tell them you just got to work and haven't seen the patient yet, their reply....I'll call you back in 15 reply....give me your number and I'll call you back.

Specializes in Cardiology, Oncology, Medsurge.

What's most mysterious to me is the lull after the after shift change storm-- families wanting this or that or calling to see what's up, docs ordering this or that and no time to follow up with them 'cause we're doing assessments and med passes...crazy as can a restaurant that has its predicted lulls and on speed times.

Specializes in Mixed Level-1 ICU.

I just say "sorry, I just got here and can't really tell you anything yet."

End of story.

Well said...there's no need to, ever, to apologize for what you are doing.

They all know when you change shift. As long as you tell them, without apology, that they'll have to read the chart--and be absolutely consistent in that--they'll soon get the picture and begin respecting you for who you are what you do.

Remember..the desk is yours and they can find the chart themselves.

Do not, I repeat, do not enable this behavior in doctors, or anyone else who thinks you are there to serve them, rather than your patients.

How well I remember going through that senario, don't miss it one bit. 31 years was all I could take. What was so much more irritating to me was that family members would call in droves at 7:30 for an update. You tell them you just got to work and haven't seen the patient yet, their reply....I'll call you back in 15 reply....give me your number and I'll call you back.

With these HIPPA laws we are so limited to what we can even tell these families. I pretty much tell them all the same "Mom or Dad slept well and is currently resting comfortable, the doc's havent been here yet, yadda, yadda, yadda. Im here all day if you have any more questions. END OF CONVERSATION!!!!!!!!!!! :smokin:

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