Seriously...more supply than demand?

Nurses General Nursing


Can someone answer this questions:

1. When you see a job posted online for new grads, does it really exist? Why when u call or go in person the HR doesn't seem to care?

2. How many applicants usually apply for one position? Is it more than 500 per 1 position since more and more students graduate per semester? What does the future holds?

3. What do you do in your spare time besides looking for a job? How do you maintain a positive outlook?

4. Does your family and friends asked you why you're still unemployed as a nurse? What do you tell them?

Leave politics out of it. Bill Clinton did the same thing with Tech jobs, He made a address to the nation

saying that technology was the hot ticket for students to pursue and America answered. Tons of Tech schools popped up, teaching Java, PHP,VB++, Pearl etc. Then the Internet bubble burst happened. You underestimate the influence Presidents have own our educational direction. They can direct grants towards a specific type of education to fulfill a perceived need in society.

Take your Unionists blinders off

Yeah, I remember when computer jobs is a hot ticket then. Now, not anyone in the computer field is finding a job and probably working somewhere else. So is this considered a NURSING BUBBLE that also burst??????

I just hope it doesn't happen with nursing in general. This really gives me a creep when I think of it. Stay positive, stay positive I say.

So the BIG short term growth, will be in outpatient services and home care. Take a look at this government data.

So what I am saying is this,...

Be flexible in measuring your desires against unplanned opportunities that may present themselves. If you are in a geographically unfavorable location, you are faced with a choice of either re-locating or waiting it out.

Best of Luck!

I would take anything I could get my hands on right now. I have applied at outpatient services and home care and they all say "This is not the appropriate avenue for a new grad. Try applying at hospitals and gaining some experience"

Specializes in Pediatrics.

One of the larger hospital systems in my area ( they have 4 hospitals, a childrens hospital, the regional burn center, and one of only two truama centers in the area) will only take new grads if you go through their internship. When I applied they had 700+ people that applied to the internship, they interviewed 546, they hired 30.

I unfourtnantly was not one of the 30.

I "interviewed"/ screened it was only 5 questions, at another job they said that they would screen 100 people, but only had 1 position.

I have interviewed at 2 other places, one sounds like I might have it, but only because it sounds like nobody else wants to work there either, when I asked about training she said there wouldn't be much that they need someone who can just jump right in and learn as you go, as they just lost 3 nurses and are losing another.

I laughed when you said it is Obamas fault due to its absurdity.

A few factors:

Thank Obama, back when he first got elected, he made a national address saying there was a nursing shortage and Americans looking for a hot job market to enter should study nursing. Americans answered in droves! There are a dozen nursing schools within a 30 mile radius from where I live. Everyone of them has some kind of waiting list.

The high turn over rate that student nurses counted on is down!.

Husbands have lost jobs or are insecure in there jobs which leads wife's who are nurses to stay on.

With so many Applicants, Hospitals can take thier sweet time and have the luxury of being picky. Some now only want those with BSN's or two or more years of specialty experience

Back when there was a so called "shortage" Some Hospitals started their own schools, so they give priority to hiring new grads from their schools...

If you bothered to research your claim you might have found that President Obama wasn't the first president to talk about nurses! Even Meg Whitman®, who is running for California Governor talked this year about the current nursing shortage. The job market for nursing and the crappy economy did not get this way because of only one political party. You might enjoy this quote from

The Nursing Shortage: A Call to Action

Eloise E. Schwarz, RN, CCM, MBA

Authors and Disclosures

Posted: 05/09/2003; Topics in Advanced Practice Nursing eJournal. 2003;3(2) © 2003 Medscape

"One answer that would apply a jump-start to the transformation of the profession would be the enactment of the Nurse Reinvestment Act (NRA) (H.R. 3487), signed by President George W Bush on August 1, 2002, after the House and Senate approved it in late July 2002. This law was designed to encourage people to enter and remain in nursing careers, thus helping to alleviate the nation's growing nursing shortage.[9] The law provides scholarships and loan repayment programs, retention grants, and other incentives.[10] This Act would appropriate and fund the following activities and services:

  1. Facilities that retain experienced nurses and help to develop "best practices" in nursing;
  2. Educational grants for geriatric training in nursing;
  3. Full-time students who agree to serve in a nursing school faculty position after graduation; and
  4. Public service announcements to promote the nursing career.

"[incentives] are essential to the kind of quality care the American people deserve," stated DHHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson after the NRA was passed.

Though the key measures of the NRA would help to solve part of the problem, Congress has only funded a portion of the Act. The American Health Care Organization, the ANA, the American Hospital Association, and many other professional organizations continue to urge Congress to appropriate as much of the $250 million needed to make the intent of the law a reality.[11]"

LoL Nursing shortage is a old story ok. The President made his remarks during the most watched (goverment wise) televised event. The annual address to the Nation speech. Presidents have great influce. President Kennedy made a call for people to join the peace corps and Americans answered etc

I'm not making a point that this president is a democrat or republican who cares!!!!!

He is the CURRENT President and he made a call for Americans to enter the Nursing field

Stating there is a shortage of Nursing Instructors to keep up with DEMAND. Noting also that to meet the short supply of nurses, Hospitals are bringing in H1B Nurses from outside the country.....

The President gave out grants for expansion of Nursing Schools, its not just talk

I stated that President Obama's call for Nurses was Just one factor! in a glut of nursing students (in some areas)

I don't know maybe in your area unemployment and college recruitment is doing just fine.

But here in Florida, a good number of college graduates who could not find jobs or jobs payed very little

are now entering nursing programs. They already have most of the prerequisites down, shortening their AS or BSN

times needed to complete the nursing program...

I laughed when you said it is Obamas fault due to its absurdity.

If you would take your "unionists blinders" off you would realize this isn't political...

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