My "dream" manager would.......

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Med/Surg, ER, L&D, ICU, OR, Educator.

....Pat us on the head, or even say out loud "Good job today team! Thank you !

....Take a few management classes, seminars, or at least READ A BOOK of how-to's.

....Follow up statements like "I'm working on a more user-friendly ER form to make it easier for you guys" with a finished product some time.

....Be sure we have enough 'working' equipment to do our jobs efficiently.

....When morale is low, bring ice-cream sundaes and make coffee, and organize a "real" break-time (at this one, no one can talk hospital!) where maybe she will cover the floor.

....Stand up for us when the Dr's have their petty c/o.

Just a few that come to mind.......there are oh so many more!

Oh, what a great topic!!

My dream manager would:

1. communicate with the staff regarding pertinent info/policies/etc.

2. support her staff by closing beds when staffing is unsafe.

3. run interference when you have the families who just won't let you get anything done.

4. stand behind the staff with difficult or know it all doctors.

5. demand a caring and compassionate attitude from the staff, all of the staff.

6. lead by example, not do as I say not as I do (take vacations frequently even when staff are denied most requests)

7. demand clinical competence of the managers under him/her.

8. be a leader and a manager.

9. make sure paychecks are right the first time!!!!!

I guess I'm lucky! My nurse manager stands behind, beside, and infront of us 110%!!!

Doctor giving you a hard time? She'll get the apology for you and remind them this behavoir is not allowed on her floor.

Unsafe staffing levels? We have orders to call her at home- at ANY hour to deal with the issue (and yes, she does deal with it).

She has an open door policy- meaning ANY time her door is open you are welcome (it's always open except for the day before the next schedule comes out- then its crunchtime).

Most amazing, despite not being a bedside nurse in almost 20 years, she'll answer the call light and take care of the patient- i.e. she'll wash up a patient if she answers the light and the patient requests it! She'll give meds, take phone orders, just about everything except handle the iv pumps!

Sure she's not perfect and still has to make unpopular decisons but we wouldn't trade her for the world!!!

Dear ASI52,

Be sure and let your supervisor know on a regular basis how

much you appreciate her. I was a leader( I call those kind of

supervisors leaders) for 15 years. What meant most to me

after all the giving, and the extra hours I put in was a thank

you from my employees and that they could see I cared about

them, and about how much I did for them. Real leaders are

able to lead their employees to the water, not drag them. We

really need some support too. You sound like a dedicated


Originally posted by DAISY MAE 1

Dear ASI52,

Be sure and let your supervisor know on a regular basis how

much you appreciate her.

Wouldn't that be a dream come true? Reciprocated appreciation. Mutual admiration for a difficult job on both parts.

Sure would be nice.


Specializes in obstetrics(high risk antepartum, L/D,etc.

I worked for the perfect manager. She was fair, kind, knowledgable, and treated each staff member as if they were her very favorite person. She was always available to answer questions, to take on doctors, families, or who ever needed taking on, and was so sweet about it they didn't realize wht happened till next week. She often found something to compliment and seemed to sense when a compliment was especially needed. I never heard her say any thing negative. Even her corrections were given in a postive atmosphere. She often would work a shift because no one was willing to pick up a call off. I even saw her try to do about 20 hours straight(I went in when the deck called and told me about this!) because there was a big seminar going that everyone wanted to go to. She is a unique lady, and a good role model for all. I wish she could be cloned and spread around the world. I've told her that and she just laughs. Unfortunately, she moved to Washington State. I hope they appreciate her!:kiss

AIS52, can you clone her and send her to NJ. We are desparate here!!!

I'll work on the cloning thing- and yes we do let her know how much we appreciate her. She let's us know how much we are appreciated and vice versa.

It's nice to read about good amnagers. We have a manager who is a joy to work with. Pitches in and helps with patient care, works off shifts to cover call offs and short staffing, and always lets us know how great she thinks we are. We all think she is the best, and let her know how miuch we appreciate her.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

My dream manager would work on the unit right along side her/his staff. He/she would never say "No, I can't come in and help you out on the unit tonight." He/she wouldn't be afraid to tell Admin where to shove it when Admin abuses his/her unit.

Actually, the best dream manager never once forgets he/she is a nurse FIRST! :)

Well here's how she hired our new Clinical Educator:

Narrow the field down to the two strongest candidates, then introduce them to the unit in a brief question and answer period (no scripted questions either- everything spontaneous) and let the floor make the decison.

How's that for respect?

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