It made me think...How do they cope?

Nurses General Nursing


I just had two 12 hr nites, and had a pt. who is staying with me still. She is a single mom, who has been given the dx of Breast CA...2yrs of chemo, and bil mastectomy, she has now been dx with CA and mets.

I talked with her at length, in between running trying to keep another Lung CA pt. who is becoming increasing confused. Pulling out two IVs...but thankfully had a place to start others!

My heart goes out to both! But one is a elderly lady, and the other is a mom...without a job...d/t dx, and no one to really help her. Her mom is unsupportive, and when boyfriend found out about the dx, he decided he couldn't deal with it. On the night she got the dx, I went into her, and found her distraught beyond words!:o. NO ONE was with her, when she was told this horrible news, and I couldn't imagine being in her shoes!

She had tried to call her boyfriend, and one of his friends answered the phone, and hung up on her!!! I called her boyfriend, and told the friend, what room she was in, and that she really needed some moral support. The boyfriend came in to see her last nite, and I shamed him into staying the nite. She needed someone there...and I was angry...that not even her family had come, when she told them the dx!!! :o

She came out of the room, and told me she was really happy, and thanked me for helping her. I couldn't help but think...what a sorry piece of crap her boyfriend was, and is! He told her ...he had problems of his own...and couldn't help her, until he helped himself. That he had watched his mother go thru CA tx, and couldn't go thru this with her! But she was happy just to have him there...for now at least!

My heart goes out to her...and I felt I wanted to take her in, and help her...but I knew that wasn't possible. I wanted to leave her money...or offer help in some way....but I didn't. I just pointed her to support groups...and left it at that.

Because she couldn't sleep...and nothing I gave her helped...I spent a lot of time, in and out of her room ...most of the two nites I worked. I just can't shake her out of my mind.

Her family is another trip...and made the day nurse's life so miserable...that she had to be given to another nurse, as the family made unfair accusations against this nurse. Then they all left to the pts..relief!

This pt. was in healthcare also, and worked in the OR...but d/t her dx..she was "let go..until she was better"!!! I'm angry at what happened to her. She now has no she was living paycheck to most single moms do. She can't keep her insurance going, as she has no job now.

I became to think about...what about all the other people out there who are basically making it week to week. What happens to them..when there is no family to step in and help? What if this had happened to me?? Both my parents are gone...what if I had left my job...and was dealt a blow like would I have taken care of my kids??? How does one find help in these situations??? Does anyone have something to share...that would help this caregiver?? One of the MDs who knew her ...said she was such a wonderful person...and she was a truly caring person.:o One look at his face...told me he really meant what he was saying..:o

Specializes in Everything except surgery.

Thanks fadingyouth...:)!

I had no idea...that this was even possible after discharge! I I have said...I'm not thinking straight. This case just seemed to hit home for some reason.:o I have never even heard of HOPE. What is HOPE??

I'm hoping to run into her reccomend a referral to the chemo angels, or to find out exactly what was reccomended.

I worked off my assigned unit last I don't even know if she had any other sites being looked at for CA came up positive yet. Hopefully I will find out more on Monday!

And you're's very difficult to let go. I was sorry that she had been discharged before I could relay all the good info I have received to her..:o

Our family became aware of this project when our dad was in Hospice years ago. There may be another name for it in Arizona but I would think that the Cancer society would be able to lead you in the right direction.

This is a wrap-around group--that is, it offers support, crisis intervention, transportation, simple assistance with daily grocery shopping etc. We did not need their help as the family pulled together, but I have always been grateful for a benevolent group of caring volunteers.

Also the Cancer Therapy and Research Institute here is fairly well known nationally. If all else fails you might try to contact them for info. or let me know.

Brownie, is she involved in a church group anywhere? A nurse I work with works as a school nurse nearby and there was a single mom with terminal CA. They were working with the school and church this woman attended to place the kids together prior to her death so it would all be done and there wouldn't be any loose ends. If she has mets, she needs to focus on her kids and finding a good home for them. Sounds like her boyfriend and family aren't good candidates. How sad.

God bless you for caring enough to get involved. Hang in there! Good luck and please let us know what happens.


I truly feel for you and this pt in this situation....

there is no time or distance with God. I will be praying for this patient, and I pray also that the Lord will allow you to see the fruit of your help to her....

"Dear Jesus, I thank You that You are so close to me today that I can just ask You to put Your healing touch into this situation and help this cancer patient with whatever she may need. Put before her people who care as You care, and the assistance that can truly help her situation. And I pray that You will put peace into Brownie's heart that You have done all these things because of Your love for us. In Jesus' Name, I pray....amen."

Specializes in Everything except surgery.


Your prayer...brought tears to my eyes...and I truly felt the warmth of his love surround I must believe...that she felt it also! I can never thank you enough for taking the be soo thoughtful, and comforting...even thru your own trials..:kiss:!

May your day be blessed...and your soul lifted...each and everyday of your life.. thank you :cool:

fedupnurse...thank you...:kiss:...for the information you posted. I'm not aware of any church involvement, but she has an I think the children would probably go to him. I just hope he isn't as pathetic as the boyfriend. But...I know she was divorced about the same time she got the first news of CA! And she never mentioned the ex at all. I found out about her being divorced from the MD who spoke so highly of her.

From what she told me...when she went thru her mastectomy, reconstruction, and chemo...her mom..was little help at all! Her friend was trying to tell her...that she bet her mom would help her. And she began to tell us...just how little her mom helped her the first time. In fact her mother was pretty callous in dealing with her! She said she might help for a couple of days...but that would be it!

Thank you fadingyouth.:kiss:..for explaining about HOPE! I didn't know about this program...and will pass this onto her...if she doesn't already have the information, by the time she comes back to the hospital. I'm sooo sorry...about how you found out this information...but glad you were willing to share!:cool:

I have decided...that I will give her my number...and be willing to help in anyway I can. I believe...I couldn't live with myself...if I didn't at least offer her assistance. As I have said...there but for the grace of God go I. And the Lord has blessed me to be a blessing to others. So I will.

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