Dumb Reasons To Start Drinking...

Nurses General Nursing


Dumb reasons? You decide...

Drinking makes you feel together even when you are totally out of control. That's why you're more likely to fall or have some other kind of accident when you are drunk.

Drinking makes you feel cool when you're really acting like a jerk. Next time your friends get together to drink, stay sober and just WATCH. Chances are you will see how silly and idiotic they look.

Drinking can make you lose your memory. It can be very embarrassing to have someone else tell you how funny you were last night, especially if you don't remember what you did or said.

Drinking takes away inhibitions. You may get relaxed enough to do or say things you'll later regret. Sometimes this can result in an unwanted pregnancy or an STD or insulting a friend.

Hangovers. If you really want to spend a day throwing up with a throbbing headache, here is your chance -- get really drunk.

Drinking makes you feel "grown-up". What is so great about this? Very often adults are drinking to forget that they are adults, with all the responsibilities that they have. In other words, they are trying to feel like children again! Imitating childish adults shouldn't make you feel like an adult.

Drinking to forget your problems. Trust me, your problems will still be there when you sober up, so what's the point?

Drinking to be accepted by friends. You have heard it called "peer pressure". Friendships that are based on drinking don't last too long. These friendships fall apart for the same reason that drinking gets boring... it is just the same thing over and over again. Those are not true friends and those relationships have nowhere to go. When you build friendships around common interests, sports, or another activity, your relationships can grow. This is a much stronger basis for friendship than sharing a six-pack.

Drinking because you're curious about alcohol. There really is no great mystery to it. After a while drinking will lose its thrill. That is why so many teenagers develop drinking problems. When drinking starts to lose its thrill they need more alcohol to enjoy themselves and they often lose their ability to find pleasure in other ways. Before long they have lost the chance to do well in school, lost their health, and the trust of friends and family.

One last thing to keep in mind. Teenagers are the largest source of transplant organs in the United States. That means more teens die suddenly in accidents than any other members of the population. Why is that? Think about it.

Appreciate your kindness and logic CEN35

Yeah, it felt kinda preachy to me too, but, I just glanced and moved on.

Libations have been around since Christ - not going away. I do feel parents can teach their children to be responsible drinkers. The first drink I ever had was with my Dad. I wanted to know what the big deal was. He had me taste a beer. Yuck - tasted like regurgitated sawdust to me. Red wine - too thick/sweet, something. His point was that you should not drink just to be drinking. My first time going to a nite club I asked Dad what should I order that he thought I might like, he suggested a Tom Collins or White Russian. Tom Collins - mmm lemonade with a kick! That was my drink for years. But, I'm a lightweight - I have a drink maybe once or twice a YEAR.

What was my point? Oh yeah. Parents can definitely have influence and guidance over things like this. Luckily I had very supportive and liberal parents who weren't condescending at all and were there for all of us when we wanted to know more.

Now, this weekend after I clean the garage, I do plan on having a Bicardi Silver. mmm... tasty! :chair:

This is something that you should keep in mind. I don't think it was meant to personally attack anyone.

Drinking is a problem with teenagers and I'm sure some of you guys are parents. You should remember this when your kids go out with their friends on a Friday night.

It wasn't an 'Attack' on responsible adults but rather a tool as the site coolnurse.com is written by a nurse to assist parents with dealing with todays teens and with the problems they face from their peers.


I find your post to be perfectly fine. I don't consider it preachy at all. There's nothing condescending about stating the facts. I think most of us have at one time or another had more than we needed to drink. As you get older and more mature, it's easier to see the error of our ways. Unfortunately some don't get that chance to mature, because the decisions to over-indulge result in an early death. When you're between 16 and 25, you think you're 10 feet tall and bullet proof.

To the comments, or implications about poor parenting as the blame for teen drinkers, I have to say that is the part that's lame. Sure there are cases of parents who don't do a good job with raising their kids, but it really gets me when anyone, teens, adults, men, women, black, white... ANYONE tries to blow off their own responsibility for the decisions they make. It's the single biggest problem in our society today. It's always someone elses fault that I turned out the way I did... Bull butter!!! We all are at least 50% responsible for who we are and what we do!! And the truth of the matter is that we are more like 99.999% responsible. So let's not blame the world, let's look in the mirror and face the facts.

I take full responsibility for my opinion posted here!!


Children learn what they live.

My son won't allow me to drink a beer, which was once a tradition at Christmas while cooking the turkey/ham. Well, Mr. DARE award dude (my 16 yr old son)convinced me otherwise.

He won't even go to a party if a person in attendance smokes cigs. I hazard to say, he will never attend many parties while a teenager. And that is a blessing I don't deserve, but one I cherish.

The child has become the parent. Or maybe I'm just dumb. heehee

It was a good post.

I like a beer every now and again, but I like to be a good example for my son, and my son is my idle. I do want to impress him.

Nothing else matters. You know?

Thou shalt have no idols before thyself.



You should try stand up comedy! You make me chuckle!

Have a great day!


Keep on postin ! Teenage drinking is a real problem, at least in my area.

It's sad, we've lost many teens in our rural area due to drinking and driving.

this is a good time of year to talk about this problem, i.e. Prom/Graduation season. And I think it's important to start educating these kids in grade school and not wait until high school.

I've talked to my 3 teens about drinking and alcoholism for many years now and will continue to do so. Will pass this on to other parents.

Thanks again !

marie angel2:

I started drinking at the ripe old age of 13. I come from what you would call a "broken home" and that made a nice tidy little excuse for me to feel sorry for myself. In the parking lot after my little league allstar game we got some moron to buy us beer. I don't know where my life would have gone had I not started drinking. I do know that whatever I could have become will never be at all because I chose to delude myself with the image of someone who is "cool". I can look back on all of it and see times in my life when I had opportunities to go in different directions but never even tried. I wasted half (God willing) of my life trying to be "cool" or "social", living to party and seeing nothing else of value. What a very astute observation of mine. There certainly wasn't anything else of value in my life, I had made sure of that by the time I was seventeen and dropped out of highschool. I took the G.E.D later and got 86% without studying a bit. I never studied. That was the first sign that I was throwing someone away that I could have been........BLAH,BLAH,BLAH.....Right?

Call it "Social drinking" if you wish or partying. The fact about alcohol that all of us would agree on is that it's a medication to cover up the pain of the real person you are. A way to be someone else for awhile. I was just someone else for about twenty years so I should know.

I am an alcoholic. I guess that's the best way to put it. Whatever you think an alcoholic is,forget it unless you are one or live around one. I went to an AA meeting a couple of times after my first DWI but I couldn't stand it. I couldn't look into the faces of the people who I would become. You've never seen or felt such pain and heartache and darkness. Once I examined my life from that perspective I realized that all of what those people felt to different degrees was simple human pain, untreated with the usual amounts of medication. The expectation of beers after work,a party on friday night,a trip to the liquor store. They were on thier own without the comfort of the intoxicating security blanket. Exposed to all the world with nowhere to hide. They were like vampires in the sunlight,burning in torment from the pain of exposing themselvs to their own pitiful lives. Unlike vampires,they won't turn to dust and blow away unless they let the sunlight of the truth of life consume them.

I did quit drinking. This allstar break it will be eleven years. I didn't do it entirely on my own though. My father took me to my first AA meeting when I was 26 but I didn't stop drinking until I was 29. I didn't just have good parents,I had GREAT parents. My dad to this day tells me how proud of me he is,although I don't think I've given him all that much to be proud of yet. My parents never abandoned me because they were divorced..............I did. I didn't join AA but I experienced it a few times. It took me years to accept that I was just as frail as any of them.............any of us, and started to face life and all the feelings that I never felt for very long that "miller time" seemed to cure for awhile.

The sunlight didn't burn me to ashes but I wouldn't lie to you,it hurt. I went out with my freinds for awhile and sipped diet cokes to socialize but that just kept reminding me of who I used to be. I felt like I was watching a remake of my life for awhile and then I just slipped away into hopeful reality.

I never got an "A" before in my life,in fact,it was hard just showing up to school for most of my life. I just recently went back to school. It's 4.0 through 22 credits so far. I have a career goal now but it would be much more if I hadn't pissed away my student loans and the advantages of being able to attend school full time.

I never knew there was this person inside me because I was afraid to look.:kiss It's hard to MAKE someone to look there. They have to go want to see what they've been missing.

If this statement makes someone look,if this thread makes someone look,then it is worth taking the time to make it.


It takes a person of 'Strong Morals and Good Character',to admit to any problem,face it,and get their life back.

I, NO!; WE appreciate when a client,patient,or resident is forthcoming about issues relating to there health; why is it we begin or try to find fault with other Caregivers when an issue such as 'Alcohol or Drugs' is mentioned? Are we not human? Admitting our faults or failures only strengthens us, we move on,and hopefully so do our Associates and Friends.

Why shouldn't your Parents be proud? You accepted the responsibility for your actions and over-came a great adversary! Brad, hold your Head High as you've demonstrated a quality that's above reproach; INTEGRITY!


Originally posted by ohbet

Why do people feel the need to drink any way?

Why do people feel the need to drink?

Maybe because they enjoy wine, beer, whiskey, or whatever.

The bigger question is why anyone would feel the need to pose such a question. People have enjoyed alcoholic drinks for thousands of years. If someone doesn't enjoy alcoholic drinks, or feels some need to abstain, that's certainly a personal decision, but it's their loss.

Jim Huffman, RN


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