Binge Drinking

Nurses General Nursing


The "official definition" of Binge drinking is 5 drinks in a row for men and 4 drinks in a row (during a single drinking session) for a woman. Some people think that this "over identifies" problem drinkers when no problem occurs since binge drinking is identified as a risky or problem drinking practice.

What do you think, nurses, is this an appropriate definition or too stringent?

The lame folks who coined the terms are the guys at the Harvard School of public health, I believe. Check out the link and you'll see you aren't the only one who disagrees with the term:,1030,264837,00.html

Check out this link also:,1030,264587,00.html


Also re Alzheimer's and drinking:

that study looked at those folks drinking 1-2 drinks per day and found a moderate reduction in risk but other reports of drinking and Alzheimer's showed increased and decreased risk with alcohol use and nicotine use. I'd say the jury is still definitely out:,1854,263743,00.html

For more info, search the Join Together web site. They are pretty even-handed in their reporting.

I totally agree w/ PRN nurse. I think the word "binge" refers to "too much". And I think it's according on what you're drinking too. Five beers for my hubby does absolutely nothing to him, but you give him five margarita's (sp) and whoo hooo!! I feel that it would be difficult to say how many drinks could be classified as "binging", each person is different as to what their bodies can handle.

Oh yea, almost forgot this part! Although I'm not a drinker, I don't see the harm in someone enjoying an occasional drink or relaxing with a beer after work. I don't understand the difference in a nurse having a beer, as long as it's not advertised, or doesn't affect their job or judgement in any way. What would be the difference in a teacher (a role model for our children), or a lawyer going out to dinner, having a couple of glasses of wine, and driving home?

I love to babble, can you tell?

have volunteered thousands of hours of their time at police stations and courts of law, and with victim families, and in legislative sessions (addressing the lawmakers.) I believe they advocate not more than one alcoholic drink per hour, as it takes one hour for the liver to metabolize one ounce of alcohol. So, if you drink 2-3 in one hour, and get in your car to drive, you are legally intoxicated. The wenches and the male volunteers of MADD are saving thousands of lives annually. It is hard to convince people of how effective their work is because there aren't many scientific methods to measure the result. For example, if they petition the court to put a drunk-driver murderer in prison, then how can it be measured that you would have been that drunk driver's next victim, except, due to their efforts, he is sitting in a cell?..Finally, Kewl, you can legally drink six drinks a night when you are out partying, but you need to stay put for six hours, or call a cab, or have a designated driver.

The operative word is "uncontrolled." The actual number is subjective. Some of us are out of control on half a beer. Or half a Snickers. We are binging when we know what our limits are and choose to exceed them. For some of us that is the decision to take the first taste.

prn, how can you say that MADD saves thousands of lives every year like its a fact. can you prove that?

im not anti-MADD, but i dont see how you can make a statement like that with no evidence. the only way i see that organization has made an impact is with lobbying for legislation. that is a good and worthy thing, dont get me wrong, but i think its the laws that deter people from drinking and driving. MADD is not directly responsible.

personally, i dont support MADD only because i dont like the strong armed tactics some of the members use to solicit donations.

they seem kind of like a cult to me.

if i need some schooling on me.

If everybody metabolizes alcohol the same, which they don't, you could put a limit on how many drinks in a hour would make you intoxicated. Fact is 2-3 beers will lay some people out for hours, some won't touch them. Also these stats are compiled on a 15-175 pound "average" male. I weigh 210. Thats 40% more body weight. I have IBS. Usually hyper, as etoh is absorbed in the stomach, it isn't in mine very long, therefore it's not being absorbed at the same rate as joe average with a normal non hyper bowel. I have participated in a study run by a university, you take a reaction time test that also measures accuracy, i was told my particular assay was deleted because i had the max amount of etoh (the amount you get is a ramdomly generated nuber that is assigned to a alcohol amount so you don't know if your getting none, a little, medium amt. or max...) and take the test again, 30 minutes later (test took 2+ hours) my scores were exactually the same. I by no means promote drinking and driving, in fact 9 out of 10 times when i am out with freinds I am the DD. Especially when we are out of town on vacation. Fact is, like most V&T laws they lowered teh legally intoxicated level to .008 form .010 to increase revenue, teh gov. be it local, state or federal isn't really concerned with saving lives. Any stat can be picked over and intruprted anyway you want. Prime example, teh BS Brady law which went into effect when the communist scum liberals signed it inot law in 1992 made it mandatory in most states to have a background check before you could by a firearm. The scum loved the stats that came out and did a big thins about how in it's first year it kept 90,000 people form buying hand guns. The truth, if you looked at the whole report was the 88,000 people were denied the God given right of protection, and the Constutuional right to bear arm becasue they had arrest warrents outstanding for, get this, parking violations. And thats all i'm going to say about this cuz i on vacation and i'm thinking waaaaaaaaay too much!

Interpreted by the ANA,in "The code of ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements,5.1 Moral Self-respect:Moral respect accords moral worth and dignity to all human beings irrespective of their personal attributes or life situation. Such respect extends to oneself as well; the same duties that we owe to ohers we owe to ourselves."

Based on that statement made by the ANA,we wouldnt tell our patients to drink 4 to 5 alcoholic drinks regularly,therefore,we would not do that ourselves as nurses,hence a nurse that drinks 4 to 5 alcoholic drinks regularly is acting unethically.

No Susy K, you never took a pledge that said you cant be human. Im simply noting the ANAs code of ethics for nurses.

I have a question for you,is your definition of human as someone who drinks immoderately?

According to the ANAs Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements a nurse that chain smokes is acting unethically,see my post to kewlnurse for clarification. Peace

Sorry,I didnt mean to push any buttons ,just giving my input.

their statistical analysis, etc. I have never been exposed to any kind of fund drive originating with MADD. If I were, I'd donate. Ever seen those billboards, or those ads on television showing someone on a home video and then it says: Killed by a drunk driver on ______(date) ? Those reminder ads cost $$$. There is a trial going on in our town now, drunk driver killed 4 women in a car, 3 were sisters, all had young children. Lots of stats on the percentage of people killed each year by drunk drivers. I am sure the latest stat is 57,000 people killed every year in car crashes. I don't recall the exact statistic, but more than half involve an intoxicated driver. Any E.R. nurses reading here? MADD's primary goals are 1.) Get the drunks out from behind the wheel. 2.) Education: Do not drink and drive. Who would not want to donate to that? If you have a child, the statistics for 2001 thru 2020 say your teen is more likely to die in a car crash than any other cause. When I read that , I had a cold chill (of fear) go down my spine. I worked neuro ICU for 4 years. During spring break one year, we had 7 young teens...4 different crashes .... ( become potential organ donors)...come thru our unit. ( In a city of 60,000 population).. I had to transfer out. Whatever MADD is doing, I support very strongly. At every social event in our society, there is booze...booze...booze... MADD is the only ones' trying to educate the public.

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