Basic neccessities...

Nurses General Nursing


Do you guys know if having hot running water on the unit is required by JCAHO?

I agree with fedupnurse!!! You get on the phone and call anyone you can think of. Not only is it a health concern not to have hot running water and an issue the local health department and JCAHO would be serious P*ssed about, you can't bathe babies in cold water!! They can't regulate their body temperature like we can and it could have serious consequences!! I can't believe no one in your hospital is doing anything about this! Are they all idiots?? At least you care! I really hope you do something about this.., It's hard to be the one to speak out, but for your own sake, your patients sake and you license, I hope you can get the ball rolling on this. Keep us updated. I'd like to know what's going to be done about this.

Good luck!

Jeez Kristi! Seems like the Board of Health ought to know. Sounds like you work in a County or City facility in which case the County/City Council or other governing board should know. It would be better to get a bunch of nurses to get together and demand something be done. Also, I would write to JCAHO and let them know it was only turned on for their benefit and request a surprise inspection. :angryfire

Who the heck is your medical director? Someone who's never heard of "cold stress" in babies? :eek: What about the HepB positive babies that need a really good bath?:confused:

You work in a B A D place! :nono:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

You certainly DO NOT NEED HOT WATER TO WASH YOUR HANDS EFFECTIVELY, as you all know. But to wash newborns in cold water is obviously a BAAAD thing; would contribute to cold-stress, which no one wants. BANG the GONG and do whatever you can to get this changed. We once had to hold off on newborn baths due to no hot water on our OB floor. Tell ya what, it was fixed PDQ when reported. Good luck!

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.



what's the status of this issue?

PLEASE tell us where you work !!!!!!! Call the ceo of the hospital! You shouldnt have to say who you are! If the ceo doesnt get it fixed call the media! Youll have plumber's in there asap. I would bet my paycheck on it!

Let all the Moms know that their newborns are being bathed in COLD WATER because the hospital is refusing to have running hot water. Now.....if THAT trick doesn't start the hot water running, nothing will!

Amen! As a patient, if I heard that, I'd be inclined to hurl myself out of my LDRP bed, bloody bed linens and all, and grab a wrench to go beat a hospital administrator over the head with--after I turned the hot water on. Then, in my hormonally charged fury, I'd get on the phone to the local newspaper and demand to know why it would ever be acceptable for a taxpayer-supported hospital (assuming that your employer takes Medicaid or Medicare patients) to turn off the hot water to ANY unit, let alone one providing OB/GYN or paediatric services. The average hospital-only cost for a normal lady partsl delivery is $3000...they can damn well afford to have hot water.

Seriously, I'd be wondering about working at a place that would turn the hot water off. I've worked (in a non-nursing capacity) at a non-profit hospital which had every excuse for failing plumbing--elderly buildings, bizarre layout, amalgam of new and old buildings--yet still managed to ALWAYS have hot water immediately on tap. Plus there's the infection transmission risk inherent in not having hot water available. Yikes.

I cant believe what I am reading here!What about Maslow's heirachy of needs? being in the UK I dont know who JCAHO are but who cares. Hot running water is a must in any clinical area!

Make a phone call. Heck, we can do it for you! Just PM one of us. As far as Maslow, I think LTC has no idea who he is!

We are with you Kristi- this is ineffecient use of time and funds not to mention downright stupid.


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Don't bathe a baby in COLD water.....ever hear of cold stress????? Whether you have hot water or not, don't do it! I sponge-bath babies in radiant warmers....

Another idea: Do you have a blanket warmer? If so., put some sterile water in it to warm....use this to sponge bathe baby in radiant warmer. There are creative ways around almost any situation....but would you take a bath in cold water? doubt why do this to a baby? Meantime, report this situation and do whatever you can to change it. eeeek:eek:

I didn't realize this was such a common problem. Two hospitals I've worked at recently didn't have hot water on some of the units and rooms. One was a MICU and MERSA city. The other was a tele unit and the pt's would complain about luke warm showers. Yikes! We reported it to maintenance a number of times and were basically told that nothing could be done. Aren't hospitals wonderful places?

OMG:eek: ! They turn it on for JAHCO and off after they leave?:eek: What excuse do they offer? This is outrageous.

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