are they just waiting for an assault??!?

Nurses General Nursing


this may come across as mindless venting but it really isnt......

I work on a med surg unit that of course gets many patients of the non med surg variety, I have come to accept this but right now myself and my fellow nurses are dealing with something impossible.

patient has a major psych history , on a combination of all kinds of antipsychotics etc nothing working , he is also a COPD'er , which is why he was first admitted to our floor,okay I understand that but now the psych thing is the more pressing of the two issues. Honestly medically we are doing NOTHING for this patient,he refuses all treatments and meds and even vital sign assessments, MD covering him medically has seemingly given up after taking social works advice and discharging him home months ago only for him to have beat the heck out of his wife and return the next day to us......

I have had this patient for months now, social work says they are trying to place him and all of that but why do the poor nurses have to suffer with this? I usually am assigned to this patient because people are delusional enough to think I can handle him for some reason...thats fine but last night he wasnt even my patient and he was following me around and he threw hot soup at his sitter and a full pitcher of water at me.... which of course it soaked me thru and thru, this patients decline has been so obvious to everyone in the allied health that I cannot figure why psych wont take him. They claim its because he is MRSA positive but they have private rooms and have taken isolation psych patients from mental institutions before.....I brought up my concerns (I'll admit that I am now afraid of this patient) to the incharge RN who apparently relayed it to our new U/A .....nothing was dealt with and I'm annoyed because they have me taking care of him all next week. I have tried to explain that I feel he is focused on me and that his violent outbursts have become worse- uncontrollable even - and none of our other medically sick patients are getting any rest at nights because of this one person.

I feel like everyone is waiting for this guy to hurt someone and knowing my luck since I seem to have him as my patient all the time, it will probably be me........

I dont know what to do, I completely dont want to go to work - and that bothers me cuz I usually dont feel this way....


don't forget to find a professional to discuss your experience and fears with; you've been traumatized and just having it over isn't all of the answer. perhaps a "mental health day" or two is in order? get some rest. :kiss

hey guys, yes we have the union active in our hospital, ONA to be specific..... the ONA grievence rep is a nurse on the psych unit, I'm thinking of calling her , shes great but I wonder if she might not back up the idea of having him stay with us for the MRSA thing...the whole situation has me confused , angry, frazzled etc, I've been off this weekend, so I will write more when I go back tomorrow night to fill you in on if I was assigned to him and how they took my refusal of the assignment and who I sent the letter I wrote to etc......I'm gonna make some phonecalls tomorrow during the day to get a heads up on what are the best routes to pursue in this one.....

mind you all of you have brilliant suggestions and I love you for taking the time to share them with me, for a brief moment there I was feeling bad to be resenting an obviously sick man, but I have my own personal safety to be concerned with too......

So Wendy,

What happened? Where are you? Are you OK? We're here for you.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy yall

from deep in the heat of texas

Haldol 5 ativan 2 IM if you cant get an IV started. Standard issue in any ER. Restraints if necessary, but its gotten to where you have to do so much paperwork just to use them nowadays. You can blame the people who dont do patient care for that.

And let us not even get into the sorry state of psychiatric facities and availability of beds and staffing there. thats another whole story and post besides.

doo wah ditty

heyas everyone

said patient from this post is being transferred to a behavioural unit at a rehab facility

about 300000 incident reports and headaches later

but he was lucky to get the spot regardless

this one was a learning experience for sure......

thanks for the support

I'm on holidays as of monday so hopefuly

he wont make a return appearence

but I will be better prepared for this type of situation in the future thanks to many of you


Originally posted by hapeewendy

on that happy note, I do have ben affleck to think of, j - lo who?

My "inside sources" tell me that he's only dating her because he's doesn't know you're available...:)

(well, wouldn't you say that the voices "inside my head" are "inside sources"? HAHAHA)

(okay, I know, that was REALLY bad. It's just one of those days)

Glad he'll be off the floor!!! :D

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy yall

from deep in the heat of texas

Who or what is a ben affleck

doo wah ditty

"said patient from this post is being transferred to a behavioural unit at a rehab facility ."


Yeah baby!!!!! Woohoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :balloons: :biggringi

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Med-Surg.

Ben Affleck is the friend of a well-known movie star. That's about it.

kindly refrain from putting down the man of my dreams in a post that I started thank you in advance for your co operation........

just kidding :)

I just got affirmative word that the patient I posted about left our unit today......

yippity skippity

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy yall

from deep in the heat of texas

I still aint heard of him , he must not be a golfer

doo wah ditty

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