GA + working: taking on too much?


Specializes in ER/Trauma/Critical Care.

Hello, I am currently in a part-time NP program. On Monday I have an interview for a part-time graduate assistantship (around 20 hours/week), which would start next semester. However, due to financial obligations I also will still have to work 24 hours/week at my job. This past semester I was able to manage 24-36 hours a week of work with school pretty well. I would like to get some feedback from other grad students here about whether doing the part time GA + working PT would be taking on too much. Next semester I will have two classes.

thanks so much! :nurse:

Specializes in CTICU.

Totally depends on you, your capabilities and obligations, and your level of organization, how much you need to study, which subjects you're taking etc.

I work fulltime (usually around 50hrs week), and take call and I did three subjects this term - it was too much. I have no family here so no distractions like that.

This term, I'm only taking 1 heavy subject and 1 online ethics module thingy. I'd rather do less than more, even if it takes longer.

Having said that, if the GA means you get cheaper/free tuition, I'd do it in a heartbeat!

I'd suggest talking to some other GAs from your institution. Not all GA assignments are similar. 20 hours of cite-checking, preparing powerpoints, or library work for faculty is very different than 20 hours of grading papers or clinical teaching of pre-licensure students.

At my institution, GA appointments require full-time study (9-12 credits) and come with full tuition, health insurance, and a stipend. Because people are taking 9+ credits, working 10-20 hours/week as a GA, we limit outside PRN work to 20 hours/week.

Specializes in Trauma,ER,CCU/OHU/Nsg Ed/Nsg Research.

So, how did your interview go?

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