Published Dec 20, 2008
59 Posts
Hello, I am currently in a part-time NP program. On Monday I have an interview for a part-time graduate assistantship (around 20 hours/week), which would start next semester. However, due to financial obligations I also will still have to work 24 hours/week at my job. This past semester I was able to manage 24-36 hours a week of work with school pretty well. I would like to get some feedback from other grad students here about whether doing the part time GA + working PT would be taking on too much. Next semester I will have two classes.
thanks so much!
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
Totally depends on you, your capabilities and obligations, and your level of organization, how much you need to study, which subjects you're taking etc.
I work fulltime (usually around 50hrs week), and take call and I did three subjects this term - it was too much. I have no family here so no distractions like that.
This term, I'm only taking 1 heavy subject and 1 online ethics module thingy. I'd rather do less than more, even if it takes longer.
Having said that, if the GA means you get cheaper/free tuition, I'd do it in a heartbeat!
UVA Grad Nursing
1,068 Posts
I'd suggest talking to some other GAs from your institution. Not all GA assignments are similar. 20 hours of cite-checking, preparing powerpoints, or library work for faculty is very different than 20 hours of grading papers or clinical teaching of pre-licensure students.
At my institution, GA appointments require full-time study (9-12 credits) and come with full tuition, health insurance, and a stipend. Because people are taking 9+ credits, working 10-20 hours/week as a GA, we limit outside PRN work to 20 hours/week.
3,779 Posts
So, how did your interview go?