Fuming Mad

Nursing Students General Students


OMG. I just got home from taking my A&P I lab exam. I hope to heaven that I passed. :sniff: I really don't know how I did, but I know that I didn't do nearly as great as I have done on the lecture exams (I got 2 A's and a B with only one more lecture exam to go).

It was multiple choice, sort of. I thought...GREAT! Multiple Choice! Awesome! I can do that! The exam covered IDing tissue cell types (name, location, function) via microscope, IDing bones and their different parts, and articulations. Ok. I know the bones pretty well. I have a great booklet that came with my A&P text that has fantastic labeled pictures of the bones. I know the tissue cell types and the articulations. BUT THIS TEST WAS AWFUL! I swear they asked me everything that I didn't know. :eek:

Multiple choice...I'm thinking a, b, c, d, e...something like that, since that was what our lecture exams consisted of. But Noooooo! They just listed ALL OF THE BONES/BONE PARTS and we had to pick from the list. I am talking a list of 30-50 bones at a time. Give me a break! And they would just have a bone sitting there & the question would be...what is the name of what is marked (it would have a piece of blue tape on part of the bone or something along those lines). Ok. I know the bones. Put a skeleton in front of me and I could label them and probably get 95% of all the bones and their parts correct. Put a bone by itself & I am lost. Ok, not completely lost, I can pretty well figure out a femur from a humerus, but...gimme a break! When are any of us just going to see a femur sitting around by itself. "Oh...sorry miss so-and-so...is this your femurI just found lying in the hallway?" :angryfire

Ok...I'm just venting. I really shouldn't cry over it...it's over. Nothing I can do about it now. Just hope I passed it & move on. :rolleyes:

congrats on passing and on your 4.0!!!!

Also, thanks to everyone who has posted on this thread....you have given me some insight as to what its going to take to make it through this class! lol

Thanks for the congrats! I've only been back to school for 2 terms & both have been 4.0's, so I'm more than pleased! :D Now if I can only keep it up. We're on the quarter system, so instead of only having A&P I and A&P II, I have A&P III as well! ACK! So, hopefully I'll survive the next two and then micro. Oh...and then general pharm.

And the others... :roll

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