FSW Nursing Spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Formerly Edison state college.

Who is planning to enroll in the nursing program for Spring 2016?

So who is joining me? It's going to be a long process and I simply can not wait to get into the nursing program.

I hope to apply into Lee and get. I haven't taken my HESI yet out of nerves, but have to swallow that pill soon in order to apply.

I'm officially signed up for the HESI :unsure: lol. September 22nd. I just started studying now. I'm just hoping for a 90.1 at the least! Have all of you guys signed up already? We'll basically be applying for Spring in pretty much a month!!!

Well I took it last month and I got a 75 so I rescheduled for this month at a mometric center because I can't do math with no scratch paper. I'm praying I can get an 85 or more next time

Hi where is that located ?

Hey! I am applying for the transition program in the spring! Have you taken the hesi?

Hello, is anyone applying to the transition program? Just interested to see how many are applying. I was looking at some of threads for fsw fall 2015 and someone was given a spot for the regular nursing program because not many applied for fall transition.

Hey! I am applying for the transition program in the spring! Have you taken the hesi?

Hey! I am applying for the transition program in the spring! Have you taken the hesi?

Hey! no I have not yet. I will be taking it this month. Have you? Also have you filled out the application? I've looked all over the website and have not found it. I called to ask a few weeks ago and they said it would be up soon but I have yet to find it lol

As far as the application is concerned they took it down to make some minor adjustments but hopefully they would have replaced it by now.

I went to the lee campus today and the counselor I spoke with was clueless on when the application would be back online. I'm getting so anxious :) how is everyone doing on their Hesi? I got an 87 last month when I took it. Also is anyone willing to share how many points they will be submitting their application with?

I received an email from academic advisor Alexis at the Lee campus saying they will hopefully have the electronic application up today on the website. She also said the deadline has been extended until oct. 14

What kind of questions did you find mostly in math and Bio / Anatomy? If you don't mind.

For the math there was mostly fraction, ratios and conversion questions. Anatomy and biology was mostly general questions. There was some over muscles, digestive system, cell types, bones, and blood vessels.

Hello everyone! I am also applying for Spring 2016 as well, took my HESI earlier in August and got an 83%. Retaking it next week hoping for a higher score. Good Luck!!

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