FSCJ Summer 2011 Accepted!

U.S.A. Florida


Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to start a new thread since the last one was getting soooo long. I'm very excited! Who's with me?

There was only section 7 and 8 left. So I picked 8 because clinical's were at St. Vincent's. Otherwise it went very well, Thanks for asking!!!!!!!!!! I am going to try and take care of everything I can online tonight and tomorrow everything else except for the CPR certification. Where did you go? What was the price like?

I went to a lady that is listed on the CPR handout in the application packet. It was in her home off of Pecan Park Rd, there were two other Nursing students there as well. It was really easy and it was only 25.00. I dont think I can put her name on here but PM me if u want her number. I'm glad everything went well 4 u :)

I went to a lady that is listed on the CPR handout in the application packet. It was in her home off of Pecan Park Rd, there were two other Nursing students there as well. It was really easy and it was only 25.00. I dont think I can put her name on here but PM me if u want her number. I'm glad everything went well 4 u :)

I need her number also KT2000. Can you FB it?:nurse:

Im going to St. Lukes on Monday @ 9am its only 30.00$. Any idea on how long the class usually is?

Hi Jessica89, I am applying for fall and I was curious what you score was? I know they have a cut off score but then another 24 or so get accepted because some decline their seats so I am trying to figure out what the last entrance score is.

Hey guys, so I have purchased everything for term one except books and shirt from Fl. Spec. When I went to the N. Campus book store to price the books a lady there asked me if I was getting "the box" which had books in it and was required for term one students, in addition to the other required text, but also cost almost $600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone else purchased this box and/or what books?

Also I am not sure about the sizing for the shirt from Florida Specialty, has anyone received theres? Any advice?

I am finishing term 3. I bought the box and use every book! Don't buy the e-books unless they train you, we bought it and training never happened.

The box is cheaper then getting the books separately plus there is a coupon that discounts it even more. So definately get the box...someone should have gone over this with you, sorry you are having to do this blind.

Ok, so it is either the box or buy the books separately. Got it. Thanks! I was thinking about trying to buy the books from a past student, is there anyway to find out which books are in the box?

Also did the Florida specialty shirts run pretty true to size? Or are the like the Meridy's white uniforms (extremely big)

True to size. There should be a list in your packet, at the bookstore or within each class. I would check to see if they are updating any of the books before you try to buy them from a past student.

The bookstore has a list and that will tell you which books you need. They made a point in orientation to not buy books from previous students because they have been updated and might have changed. The shirts are true to size.

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