FSCJ Spring 2018 hopefuls

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


The Fall 2017 came out last week so I thought I would start the Spring 2018 hopefuls thread. Did anyone email the program to ask what they could improve for the spring? I was advised to retake my Hesi A2 and finish my AA. I will finish my AA this summer and plan to retake m Hesi in Aug. I think we are going to do a Hesi study group in the month of July too. There is also a facebook group started as well. Good luck everyone.

Does anyone know about how long after the deadline do you find out if you've been accepted/denied?

Roughly about a month after you apply is when they will start sending out emails. They will let you know thought, but I joined the FB page and I have lots of questions about this new rubric! So having an AA degree does not get you points anymore??? or having a CPR card?

Oh okay. A month will seem like eternity. I don't have a Facebook so I'm not following the page, but yes it seems to be the case about removing some of the parts of the rubric. I understand why they took out the CPR, because we have to have it regardless, but I figured they would still give people points for a degree.

Hey guys, how did you do in the Hesi?

It's so confusing! subtests such as math, grammar, vocab, and reading or all inclusive (AP, Bio, Chem) must meet min. 75? I have no idea. I got 136/160.

You need a 75 in each of the subtests: math, reading, grammar, and vocabulary. You have to complete every subject but the sciences don't count against you.

Did you have to take physics as well? I can't seem to find any posts about there actually being physics questions as part of the HESI a2.

Physics is not part of the Hesi, so it does not count towards anything. They took that portion out a while ago.

Thanks! I wonder why it's still in the Elsevier exam prep book... I was worried because I haven't taken physics in 17 years!

I don't know about the rest of you but it has been only 4 days since the deadline and the anticipation is already killing me.

@ccordero Same here! The anxiety and anticipation and nervousness are bothering me a lot. I hope Mid-October comes in fast.

When I called the program office the lady told me she wasn't sure when the notifications would go out. I asked would it be this month, her response was we are not sure it could be early next month. Yikes!

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